Post by KostaAndreadis @ 03:40pm 25/04/23 | 0 Comments
The recent release of Dead Island 2 was a long time coming. Still, thanks to its next-level (and super impressive) gore and dismemberment system, it quickly made a case for delivering some of the most visceral zombie combat ever seen in a videogame. Not to be left out of the mix, Dying Light 2 just got a new "Gut Feeling" update that considerably updates that game's gore.
This means these two high-profile zombie games now feature over-the-top gory zombie action. The following trailer gives you a glimpse of what to expect when it comes to Dying Light 2's updated gore system, and, yeah, it's definitely gory.
The update overhauls the combat physics and zombie destruction, and it's probably just a coincidence that it's out now - within a week of Dead Island 2's launch. Still, it feels like we're now in the midst of a digital zombie gore war, where the goriest action and dismemberment wins.
The update also brings a few other notable features to Dying Light 2, like gear transmog, a new weapon crafting system with blueprints to find, and a new community-driven bounty and reward system.