This is the first forum post I've ever done so sue me if it isn't perfect.
I'm looking for a more realistic gaming experience. To make this short and sweet, I see videos and tutorials of virtual environments that look borderline INSANE. But I have yet to see a platform release or have an interactive game or environment that can be used by the public. I'm more than willing to invest in a platform that will be able to play and process these games. I'm not talking about "The Dive" or some futuristic gaming platform that will revolutionize the gaming industry. Just a photo realistic game that can be interacted with on a detailed level and half decent content. Any suggestions or opinions on how far away we are from achieving this? |
Uhh, walk outside?
I can’t tell you when that game you’ve not talked about, or that platform that wasn’t mentioned will exist. This is usually how a Gamer would find reference for this kinda stuff. ... I’m principally being a d*** because of your poorly formed question. By definition, a ‘game’ removes quite a lot of the realistic expectations from an experience, and to put it simply, because it isn’t ‘fun’. Getting back to the your question a little more specifically, the ‘photo real’ stuff is happening right now, though you’re still going to need to sit in front of a computer to use it. So there’s no ‘realism’ in that... If you’re after a great simulation, I can thoroughly recommend Bohemia Interactives ‘Arma’ or ‘Operation Flashpoint’ franchises; I’ve never felt a game more truly recreated the quote “war is 99% boredom, 1% sheer terror” more faithfully. I’ll leave you with this. It’s a short film that was made in UE4 There isn’t something like this in a ‘realistic game’ because those terms are generally at odds with each other. That and because people crafting stuff in these engines are artists, and generally, a well formed and executed piece of art is going to be more interesting than pouring hours of effort into making a game ‘realistic’ that lacks any narrative, experience, or story to drive it. |
Escape from Tarkov.
Hit up twitch and check it out. Or YouTube. It's probably one of the most Hardcore realistic shooters out there atm. It also doubles as a looter shooter along with RPG elements. It can be brutal on new players though, as you lose everything you've taken, or found, in each 'raid'. Though, if you're looking for a realistic single player experience it probably isn't what you're after. Division 2 is good but i wouldn't call it realistic. It sure looks nice though. |
Red Dead Redemption 2 with the HUD removed will give you a 'realistic'-esque gaming experience and if you have a 4K TV that supports HDR, Xbox One is the platform of choice as it runs natively at 4K and has the largest, seamless open-world of this generation (ie no load times from one end of the map to the other)
I'm more than willing to invest in a platform that will be able to play and process these games.I am working on a title right now. Let me put you in touch with my finance people. If you can just send them your details ( that would be great. |