Check out PF2K's new AOEO tournament, the very first Project Celeste 2v2 tournament, Double Trouble!
Challonge - Group Stage Games (Bo1) - Challonge - Finals Bracket (Bo3 Semis, Bo5 Grand Final) - Prizes: 1st Place team $100 2nd Place team $50 Games will be played on Saturday and Sunday (October 23rd and 24th) at around 3PM to 10PM UTC, live on PF2K's Stream! - VODs will end up on the Official Project Celeste Youtube Channel! - For more info and live player and officials discussion, or to stay up to date on future events visit the PvP discord! - |
Are we pumped for AoE4?! The stress test weekend was equal parts familiar, and ‘interesting and fresh’ which still feels bizarre to consider. I’ll pick it up when I can get it for $40… $100-120 is craziness for a game like that to me. |