Despite its limbo state in Australia due to being refused classification for rewarding drug use with unfortunately named healing items (reportedly since resubmitted as "Vitamins"), State of Decay is still more than worth a look at this stage, as nachosjustice discovered in his review.
One of the coolest and ever-threatening features of State of Decay, though, is perma-death for all characters. Sometimes this is a scavenger you’ve sent out to secure supplies, other times it may be the character you’re playing. Either way, when they die, they’re gone for good.
Fallout 3 suffered the same initial RC as State of Decay and upon resubmission, after renaming Morphine to Stimpaks, was let through otherwise unscathed.
For the full story, read our full
State of Decay review, and stay tuned for word on the resubmission of the game to the Classification Board.
Posted 10:21pm 08/7/13
Posted 02:20am 09/7/13
Posted 10:07am 09/7/13
Posted 01:37pm 09/7/13