The mechanics are solid and the action plentiful, but samey locations, predictable set pieces, and bland level-design keep
Zombie Army 4: Dead War back from attaining a co-op medal of undead-killin' honour.
As we discovered in our review.
There’s a lot on offer, especially for those with a regular co-op crew, or for fans of challenging shooters and well-executed horde modes.
Where things falter, and this is a weird problem to have with a game called Zombie Army 4 – comes with the overall lack of visual or level variety across the nine episodes. Even when you venture into hell, there’s very little to let you know you’re in an alternate dimension or plane. Level-design is not one of Zombie Army 4’s strong suits. Overcast nights, foggy horizons, old European buildings, sometimes a path through a forest, or sometimes a factory of some kind laid out in a very videogame way.
Click Here to Read Our Full Zombie Army 4 Review