Xbox Australia has announced that starting today, Xbox One fans will be able to experience enhanced gameplay and services thanks to localised Australian servers.
According to the press released received by AusGamers, these servers will be located in Microsoft's Sydney Azure database. Alongside faster local downloads and low pings the new servers will also bring game-specific features such as enhanced AI and graphics for Titanfall or Forza Horizon 2, though the skepticism in me says that's probably not quite true.
"The launch will also improve the reliability and stability of online gameplay for supported titles by switching from international servers and peer-to-peer connections to dedicated Australian Xbox Live servers," says Microsoft. "This will reduce drop outs and host migrations when players leave a locally supported game and provide players with a more enjoyable and reliable multiplayer gaming experience."
Current Xbox One games supported by Australian based Azure datacenters Xbox Live servers include Forza Motorsport 5, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Posted 11:57am 17/12/14
Posted 12:04pm 17/12/14
Posted 12:34pm 17/12/14
Posted 01:14pm 17/12/14
Depends, its possible that they don't draw more distant objects in as much detail etc because of latency issues?
Just throwing a thought out there; it is indeed reeky as f***.
Posted 01:31pm 17/12/14
I guess that makes a little bit of sense.. more POWAH to draw graphics instead of handling AI interaction.
Posted 03:07am 26/12/14
Posted 06:02pm 26/12/14
Same way a keyboard improves game performance. Marketing hype bro.
So... will it be quota free for telstra customers? I'm guessing not, as usual.
Posted 06:20pm 27/12/14