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Post by Steve Farrelly @ 10:44am 30/11/11 | 31 Comments
The much anticipated patch 4.3 for World of Warcraft, "Hour of Twilight", has finally arrived, and brings with it many changes to the game as well as a host of new additions.
Deathwing’s reign of terror will finally come to an end. Featuring a new raid, unexplored dungeons, a legendary rogue quest line, the latest raid tier armour sets, major story developments, the Transmogrification and Void Storage features, and much more, Hour of Twilight has something for everyone.
The new update's full change log can be found by clicking here, but we also have a gameplay trailer that explains everything much better than I could which you can check out embedded below, or catch in HD by clicking here.

And be sure to drop a line in the Comments section detailing your 4.3 experience.

world of warcraftpatch 4.3trailerfeatures
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Latest Comments
Reverend Evil™
Posted 11:51am 30/11/11
Someone added speech to the trailer to make it less sucky

Haven't done anything in game yet except transmog a sword. Will jump on later for a better look.
Posted 12:16pm 30/11/11
hmm to play or not to play. I think this will feel/play crap after sinking time into skyrim
Posted 12:28pm 30/11/11
Heh, thought their trailer was sucking a little. Felt way to rushed and amateur.
Posted 12:59pm 30/11/11
I'll be playing it, but probably only for about 20 days.
Tanaka Khan
Posted 01:55pm 30/11/11
Agreed DK, after playing Skyrim, WoW seems like such a childish basic game
Posted 01:58pm 30/11/11
Stay strong, Don't fall for their trickery. You know where this path leads.
Posted 02:05pm 30/11/11
Gotta kill Deathwing though, I need closure
Reverend Evil™
Posted 02:08pm 30/11/11
Aparrently Deathwing has already been downed and the patch hasn't been out a full day yet. Hehe
Agreed DK, after playing Skyrim, WoW seems like such a childish basic game

I don't remember seeing you take down any of the main raid bosses when you were playing all those years. Yet it's so basic.
Tanaka Khan
Posted 02:29pm 30/11/11
It looks basic compared to Skyrim dumb ass
Reverend Evil™
Posted 02:39pm 30/11/11
You didn't mention looks you dime bag whore
Posted 02:44pm 30/11/11
You didn't mention looks you dime bag whore

That and it offers a whole lot more in regards to gameplay and world play. But hey, everyone enjoys their poison.
Posted 10:07pm 30/11/11
Its pretty cool, but pretty damn easy.

Also, theres a boss that sounds like Khal Drogo

Posted 10:19pm 30/11/11
that trailer was seriously s***
Posted 10:31pm 30/11/11
yay more awesome content for casual players... oh wait..
Posted 09:55am 01/12/11
Well, cleared all the content available now... not bragging, just saying it's very easy. Guess we have to wait till next Tuesday for the second part of the new raid?

I must say it's somewhat frustrating having all the tier 12 items made completely redundant by equal/better items from the new 5 man heroics.
Posted 09:59am 01/12/11
Aparrently Deathwing has already been downed and the patch hasn't been out a full day yet. Hehe

I think what many people don't understand about wow when they sound surprised when they read things like this is...

There are a handful of realms (wow servers) that are called PTR (patch test realms) that have had this 4.3 patch (or the beta of it...) running on them for months.

Most 'world leading guilds'... run two versions of wow. Usually they spend all their time in the PTR servers, learning boss fights.

So when the time comes that the 4.3 patch hits the hundreds of normal realms they simply walk through it as they already know all the fights.

It's not like they instantly walked in there and beat all the new content. They have been doing it for months.
Reverend Evil™
Posted 10:22am 01/12/11
That's the whole problem having the PTR in the first place. You have so many people spending months or whatever running the same thing over and over learning the fights so when it finally gets released they blow thru it in no time. I wonder how many people are actually looking for bugs instead of trying to get world firsts?

Be nice if Blizzard had some internal test team that could do all that.
Posted 10:26am 01/12/11

I must say it's somewhat frustrating having all the tier 12 items made completely redundant by equal/better items from the new 5 man heroics

And you haven't learned that about WoW yet? They are always going to supersede the best items?
Posted 10:36am 01/12/11
Well, cleared all the content available now... not bragging, just saying it's very easy. Guess we have to wait till next Tuesday for the second part of the new raid?

Did you do it in Looking for Raid or something? Because its only Looking for Raid that has the second half locked, if you do the proper raid you can go all the way through. LFR is also ridiculously easy, I mean, normal mode isn't proving particularly difficult either, but LFR is total faceroll. But I get that LFR isn't aimed at serious players, its aimed at people that don't usually raid to allow them to see the content, so I still think its pretty cool.

But I don't think anyone can claim they've done all the content and finished the raid till they've downed all the heroics, cos really, thats where the challenge is. Normal mode is just a warm up.

Its fun though, we did the first four fights last night, and they were pretty fun.
Posted 11:19am 01/12/11
And you haven't learned that about WoW yet? They are always going to supersede the best items?

Don't even get me started. I was the worlds second Paladin to own Sulfuras at lvl 60. The effort that went into getting and crafting that item was incredible.

It took a team of about 80-90 people, 3 months of 24/7 farming. Including me personally spending too much time then i care to quote here to get that item.

I was a ret-paladin back when people said it wasn't possible or viable. Our PVP team (back before arena was even a thought in blizzards mind... and before they even had pvp 'items') used to have some of the worlds most hardcore teams (like those from blackrock) quit the moment they saw us. ROFL.

Then burning crusade came out and they said legendaries wont be upgradeable... and then they starting giving orange items away like apples from a tree. These days the official numbers of how many players have legendary items are in the hundreds of thousands I believe.

What a crock of s***.

I've since had both Warglaives of Azzinoth and a Hammer of Ancient kings... and it's now common place for guilds to have many people with legendaries...

So pathetic.
Posted 11:38am 01/12/11
Did you do it in Looking for Raid or something? Because its only Looking for Raid that has the second half locked, if you do the proper raid you can go all the way through. LFR is also ridiculously easy, I mean, normal mode isn't proving particularly difficult either, but LFR is total faceroll. But I get that LFR isn't aimed at serious players, its aimed at people that don't usually raid to allow them to see the content, so I still think its pretty cool.

But I don't think anyone can claim they've done all the content and finished the raid till they've downed all the heroics, cos really, thats where the challenge is. Normal mode is just a warm up.

Its fun though, we did the first four fights last night, and they were pretty fun.

oh, I did the first 4 with guild in normal and and first 4 in LFR... entire guild was under the assumption the rest of the raid was unavailable until next tuesday lol. Bashed through all the new heroic instances too, mucked about with darkmoon fair but DMF mostly seems like a waste of time to be honest.
Posted 11:40am 01/12/11
Don't even get me started. I was the worlds second Paladin to own Sulfuras at lvl 60. The effort that went into getting and crafting that item was incredible.

It took a team of about 80-90 people, 3 months of 24/7 farming. Including me personally spending too much time then i care to quote here to get that item.

I was a ret-paladin back when people said it wasn't possible or viable. Our PVP team (back before arena was even a thought in blizzards mind... and before they even had pvp 'items') used to have some of the worlds most hardcore teams (like those from blackrock) quit the moment they saw us. ROFL.

Then burning crusade came out and they said legendaries wont be upgradeable... and then they starting giving orange items away like apples from a tree. These days the official numbers of how many players have legendary items are in the hundreds of thousands I believe.

What a crock of s***.

I've since had both Warglaives of Azzinoth and a Hammer of Ancient kings... and it's now common place for guilds to have many people with legendaries...

So pathetic.

I did the same thing, I had server first sulfuras... it has been sitting in the bank since... can't even use legendaries for transmog.. what the hell? the one possible use it could have and they disabled it.
Posted 12:06pm 01/12/11
and before they even had pvp 'items') used to have some of the worlds most hardcore teams (like those from blackrock) quit the moment they saw us. ROFL.

Musta been the s*** hardcore teams, or they were alliance and had instant queues so they would leave and win an easier game 5min later. It was about the grind to rank 13, whatever let you get there faster saved much more time.
Posted 12:22pm 01/12/11
Yep it was about avoiding long games with org groups and just smashing pugs.
Posted 01:31pm 01/12/11
I must say it's somewhat frustrating having all the tier 12 items made completely redundant by equal/better items from the new 5 man heroics.
I haven't replaced any of my t12 gear with items from the new 5mans - my t12 stuff is i391 and the new 5mans is 378

It's not like they instantly walked in there and beat all the new content. They have been doing it for months.
sure it is, we didn't do dragon soul on ptr but we cleared it last night in under 3 hours.
but it's only normal mode the first week, next week is when heroic starts which is all that matters

Well, cleared all the content available now... not bragging, just saying it's very easy. Guess we have to wait till next Tuesday for the second part of the new raid?
it sounds like you just did the same 4 bosses that are available to LFR - there's another 4 available right now, but of course only on normal mode so it makes no difference whether you killed them or not. let us know how you go on hardmodes next week :)

also, lol at gamers stories. the idea of 80-90 people farming 24/7 so a dill like that can have an item, yeh that's how it should be man, that's how it should be.

what it has to do with the difficulty of current and relevant raiding content (heroic t13)? who knows? but it sounds AWESOME bro! were you raiding in bare feet, in snow littered with broken glass when you got sulfuras?
Posted 01:34pm 01/12/11
My guild (Ascension on Jubei'Thos) cleared 8/8 on Normal last night. Took us about 3 hours. With the rest of our raid night we went and did a 4/4 LFR clear of the first half.

Now yeah, we were one of those guilds that played on the PTR too. So we had already killed the Madness of Deathwing twice before on normal so the re-killing last night wasn't difficult for us.

Of course, for our guild normal modes mean absolutely nothing other than as a way to unlock hard modes. For us, clearing a tier means killing it all on hard mode.
That said I agree that it's incredibly stupid just how simple they made Normal mode this tier. For a while on PTR at least some of the fights were significantly harder. And with the addition of LFR, THIS MADE SENSE. LFR means they no longer should have to cater to the face-roll crowd in normal modes. Instead normal modes should be challenging enough that the non-hardcore raiding guilds feel a sense of progression working on normal modes and it takes them a few months to clear it.

I mean think of Normal mode Lich-King. Until the stacking zone buff got high enough this was a challenging fight still on normal and delayed a number of guilds from clearing it all the first week.

I dunno, Blizzard are just getting lazier and lazier and stupider and stupider with their content design.
Reverend Evil™
Posted 01:34pm 01/12/11
Just ran the new heroics on my mage and all the bloody quest rewards were for priests/healers. The only good thing I could use was a intel trinket that a boss dropped and I lost it to the healer.

Damn you!!
Posted 01:53pm 01/12/11
If normal mode only takes 3 hours to beat, would heroic only be a few more hours? Seems like they underestimated how easy it would be?

Also, definitely agree about the legendaries, they give them out like candy now. I remember one dude on my first server I played on had Hand of Ragnarok. Silvermoon realm, that was it.
Posted 01:55pm 01/12/11
Heroics should (hopefully!) take a LOT longer than 1 week for most guilds. Sure, Paragon and a few others will likely clear a few in the first week simply because Blizzard fails at knowing how to balance things anymore.

But for the most part I don't expect my guild (US 26th 25man guild last tier) to be clearing 8/8 Heroic for a while yet.
Posted 03:15am 02/12/11
so been holidays i reinstalled to see how WoW was going... cleared all the heroics first go in about 8 months with my 346? geared druid.. the fkn original heroics are harder then the new ones it's a joke. Going to try find looking for raid later since it seems to take ages but i can't see the normal mode being any harder.. most likely the only challenge in the game is going to remain the HM deathwing and that's about it.
Posted 09:22am 02/12/11
You can use LFR unless you have an item level of 372

And yeah, the new heroics are pretty easy, but is anyone really doing heroics for a challenge this late in the expansion? I mean, at the start of the expansion heroics were challenging because people had crappy gear, healers had really finite amounts of mana, etc. Imo they also had to be challenging early in the expansion cos that was like the progression, you level up, you do some normals, then jump to heroics for a challenge, then jump to raids. After you've been raiding though, you're not really going to be jumping back into heroics again for a challenge.

Thats my take on it anyway. I like the new heroics because they tell a cool story and have some fun fights, I didn't really go in there looking for a challenge.
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