The forthcoming Wolfenstein: The New Order brings series protagonist into an alternate future where the Nazi regime used advanced technology to win World War II and the game's latest promotional trailer wants to remind us of that.
1960. There is no more war. The Nazis control the globe and hope is lost.
But not for everyone. A resourceful team of resistance fighters, led by B.J. Blazkowicz, are fighting back against the Reich forces led by Colonel Deathshead. Learn more about their movement in this all-new gameplay trailer.
Check it out below. Wolfenstein: The New Order is due on May 22nd for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.
Huh. This actually looks better than I thought. I like the idea of the setting; has a bit of a "Man in the High Castle" vibe going for it with the alternate history thing. It looks a little too sci-fi ish maybe with the weapons and stuff. But I'm now officially upgraded from "completely apathetic".
Posted 01:02am 10/4/14
Posted 01:43am 10/4/14
Posted 08:40am 10/4/14