In a move that is sure to raise a few eyebrows, Microsoft has revealed that any Windows 7 or 8 user will be able to upgrade to a fully licensed copy of Windows 10, with no restrictions and for free. And by that they mean any user, as this offer will even apply to those out there with pirated copies of Windows 7 or 8.
Slated for a "Summer 2015" release, this free upgrade will be available to claim within the first year of its release. On the gaming front Windows 10 is shaping up to bring a number of improvements and changes to the flagship operating system including the ability to stream Xbox One games and a universal Xbox app that will work across all Windows 10 devices. Plus, the long awaited arrival of DirectX 12.
Posted 01:20pm 19/3/15
Posted 01:26pm 19/3/15
Posted 01:40pm 19/3/15
Posted 01:49pm 19/3/15
Well the OS market share won't change, just people illegitimately using Windows will become legit.
It will however provide more momentum to a windows 10 push, as presumably you need to have genuine Windows to use things like the unified Store. They're really pulling out all stops on this, giving non-genuine Windows a free bump to genuine Windows is basically giving 10 away to everyone.
Yes, at least for bit classification. Not sure about Professional, Home, Enterprise, Ultimate etc.
Yeh I only use 10 now, even at work.
Posted 02:01pm 19/3/15
They both (win and osx) are becoming very much a platform to lock you in. Once locked in you then spend on the add-ons for them to make $'s.
Kind of like the cheap printers, but the ink costs a fortune.
The fact that they are allowing illegal copies to become legal at no cost raises a red flag in my book. These 'free' copies of Windows need to be funded some way/some how.
Lock in the customer and then rape them. If you try and rape too early (charge for the os), you'll scare them away.
last edited by mission at 14:01:49 19/Mar/15
Posted 02:01pm 19/3/15
Posted 02:19pm 19/3/15
once they get the majority of users feeling all secure because they have a legitimate copy of windows, they will be more likely to enter correct details & have it all hookup with their online banking, google, their phone & all that bulls***.
i think it's great it's gonna be free to update. i am still going to falsify my details :D
Posted 02:23pm 19/3/15
Wouldn't you be able to report higher unique users in your budget thingies for the stock market?
Posted 02:44pm 19/3/15
Neither of these things will change by MS letting non-genuine Windows activate for 10.
Posted 02:52pm 19/3/15
Posted 02:55pm 19/3/15
Posted 03:00pm 19/3/15
That's how they've always worked.
Get more people using it on their desktop/laptop for the chance people will become familiar & comfortable enough with it to use on their phone and tablets.
They can also be more aggressive with the marketing on Office 365 to shift to a SaaS model rather than trying to sell seats each release.
Not sure if they are offering it free to schools/unis but another good way to undercut the competition where budget is important.
Posted 03:05pm 19/3/15
Umm, this isn't true. If anything the story of phone and laptop has been the absolute failure of Desktop share to translate.
The big Windows 10 push is all about getting people onto the unified Store as quickly as possible so that developers targetting Windows and Xbox will also be easily able to expand the Phone's application suite. Office 365 works just as well on Windows Vista + Chrome as it does on Windows 10.
Posted 03:45pm 19/3/15
however I have some questions.
it is an ASUS with a separate partition for the ASUS recovery and no DVD drive.
can i install from USB?
will it overwrite the ASUS partition? (in case i want to go back)
anything else i should know or need to consider?
Posted 04:16pm 19/3/15
You have a few options.
Install from USB after creating a boot stick from the ISO :
Download the ISO and run the install directly from that after mounting it.
I've done both and it was fine either way, a clean install is always nice though.
You SHOULD be safe to recover from the ASUS partition if you want to roll back, with quite good certainty. But its POSSIBLE that this won't work after 10 is installed because reasons and you'll need to get some help fixing it / recovery media from ASUS.
Posted 04:28pm 19/3/15
Well yes they have, but I see this as really reinforcing the model.
As I said getting people through the door is always the hard part, once they are in it's easier to get the $'s from them.
And as Demon said, users with illegal copies would be less likely to spend on add-ons in fear of being busted. Solution? Charge no entry, get everyone in and watch the dollars flow.
It's a calculated move to generate more $'s for MS (as if they are doing this out of the goodness of their heart), the marketing of this will have you believe otherwise.
You will pay one way or another
last edited by mission at 16:28:44 19/Mar/15
Posted 04:32pm 19/3/15
Posted 04:40pm 19/3/15
Posted 05:30pm 19/3/15
Posted 05:37pm 19/3/15
Posted 08:19pm 19/3/15
Posted 08:53pm 19/3/15
Posted 09:05pm 19/3/15
Posted 09:07pm 19/3/15
Posted 09:42pm 19/3/15
Games? lol ... What a moronic argument. The Games are a function of the OS. You are back in Web 2.0 what the f*** ever that was.
A gamer is buying into a world of hurt. PC vs. mobile vs. Console (PS4 vs XbosOne vs old platforms ... ... ... ) Many gamers buy in to multiple platforms (I have 5, and I think you'd have more than 1). It'd be awesome if you could use a Mac at work for the work s***, a PC at home for the game s***, but have a platform work transparently for both when the annoying boss rings you in the middle of shooting a zombie ... Oh wait ...
ps. You can play most games well on Windows XP or 7 (every game seems to have dx9 compatibility)... who the f*** needs Windows 9 sorry skipping that, 10.
Meanwhile a large number of companies wish windows 10 was windows xp with a support agreement.
Have you seen what MS charge? ... lol
You're funny.
No seriously ... You need 10's of thousands of seats to get the good pricing. Even then it's s***.
Take where I work. 2500 users.
$76000 a year.
After some questionable legal dealings and comical linkages to 3rd parties eventually getting together with 20 other organisations we got the good stuff pricing. $32000 a year.
Google? $0 ... We used to pay a bunch of money to them last year for Vault. But they went "hmm you are a non-profit, you should get that for free".
Beyond that.
I was the world's biggest Novell fan boy, and have been forced to deal with Apple and MS for 20 years, pour hundreds of thousands into each of them. Support from them was at least 5 degrees of separation and multiple thousands of dollars. And never once spoke to someone in the source company.
I have had 3 problems with Google, logged the job through their form. Every time a phone call from someone with in 30 minutes. A resolution with in 24 hours.
What ... The ... F***
Remember Dos and Word Perfect 5.0? ... cool
What happened to them?
Remember Microsoft and Office? ...
Appliance style computing is coming.
Posted 10:11pm 19/3/15
76k for 2500 users is what, $30 a head? Isn't that (as I said, chuckles) cheaper than retail?
Posted 10:11pm 19/3/15
Posted 10:47pm 19/3/15
I can say from experience that once you upgrade to 8.1 (and so by extension i am assuming 10 also) the windows 8 petition is farked. I had to get an asus laptop reimaged for a friend recently.
Posted 11:03pm 19/3/15
Is this Jeopardy? I'll bite "How to pick a dishonest person?"
Windows 8 was a disaster. 8.1 was slightly less horrible. Unless of course the upgrade broke your s*** up.
Your point is that MS will f*** over honest small business people? Yeah we should all do business with them.
Posted 11:38pm 19/3/15
I don't understand what you mean. There's lots of options for business licensing that are better and more flexible than buying retail copies of Office and Windows products.
This is Obes though, and you're a verified, 100% a-grade f***wit, so I'm out. If anyone actually wants help with this s*** I am happy to help.
Posted 11:59pm 19/3/15
Posted 10:23am 20/3/15
A disaster for people that dont know how to use computers maybe. Works fine for me
Posted 01:33pm 20/3/15
What do you guys make of this?
Allegedly-Acting-as-a-Keylogger-Keeping-Track-of-E very-Click-461018.shtml
Posted 02:20pm 20/3/15
What? I get slightly higher FPS in windows 8.1 (and win 8) then I did with Win 7. Also my boot time from powered off to ready to play in win 8 is about 10 seconds, I really like that.
So yeah, dunno what your gripe is, but calling me dishonest? That's pretty s***.
Posted 02:28pm 20/3/15
Noticed a few problems so far but on the whole it seems okay. And happy to see it has a start menu...I didn't "upgrade" to Windows 8 and now I won't have to! :)
Posted 05:23pm 20/3/15
was quite easy, thanks hoggy, took about an hour. looks nice.
connected all my home network straight off install.
looks like it over wrote my ASUS recovery partition but there is a folder called RecoveryImage. doesn't worry me. In fact now i know it's quite easy to do I'd prefer a full format and fresh install.
I gather you can't do this from the tech preview as it is an upgrade? will that be an option when released?
I'd also like to even delete the windows.old folder which is taking up 77GB of space. any issues with this?
Posted 07:00pm 20/3/15
Posted 07:03pm 20/3/15
There's a point. I bought and paid for Windows 7 Ultimate, if I end up with windows 10 home, MS can go f*** themselves with a cactus.
Windows 8 is a touch device OS. It's horribly s*** and cobbled together to work on a desktop PC. It should never have been released for anything other than tablets.
Posted 07:14pm 20/3/15
Hmm, except for me it works flawlessly as an OS and my games run slightly better on it. It's bootup time is also much faster then Win 7.
Posted 07:57pm 20/3/15
Posted 07:59pm 20/3/15
But in the server space it would be doubtful, the really big shops run Linux or Unix (or rather Linux eats allot of the Unix market share) that's not going to change any time soon. Windows is too dam slow regardless of cost. And I will be specific if you have kit running multiple PB file systems, which have a certain throughput; you don't run windows neither do the clients that connect to it. Windows is an afterthought in those environments and might be used somewhere for auth in combination with SSSD etc that's about it.
The interesting bit I was discussing with a former colleague tonight about MS jumping in on docker containers, which could be a bit of a turn around. But then again it could be part of the whole MS extend mantra, like they are trying to pull with android
Posted 09:25pm 20/3/15
"No way man, your f***ed in the head Obes."
Steam OS usage.
Windows 7 64 bit48.83%+0.27%
Windows 8.1 64 bit 28.88% +0.76%
Windows 7 11.36% -0.23%
Windows 8 64 bit 3.93% -0.47%
Windows XP 32 bit 3.90% -0.08%
So Windows 8 is .03% more used than a 13 year old unsupported OS?... Yeah Windows 8 is good.
Where I work I deal with over 4000 devices a day. 40% of them are Apple based... and Windows is not coming second...
But World wide some random company.
Windows 8 ... LOL
Liking Windows 8 says more about you, than anything about Windows 8.
Posted 09:30pm 20/3/15
Looks perfect in the preview fails live.
Posted 10:30pm 20/3/15
Posted 10:39pm 20/3/15
Posted 11:42pm 20/3/15
Does 8.1 not count for some reason? Windows 8 is a total of 32.81% here.