Post by KostaAndreadis @ 12:50pm 11/01/16 | 3 Comments
Or more like an hour and change when you subtract the bits with the developers sitting all comfortable like, talking about the game's combat, stealth, and exploration. This video, part of a community live-stream event that occurred last week, certainly gives you a good look at the new prehistoric-era Far Cry. And the time humans learnt how to make fire, and then tame wild bears to ride around for fun.
The video features Far Cry Primal developers Naomi Savoie (Illustrator), Jean-Christophe Guyot (Creative Director) and Kévin Shortt (Lead Writer). Check it out.
Far Cry Primal is out on PS4 and Xbox One on February 23, and PC on March 1.
Posted 01:32pm 11/1/16
Posted 03:42pm 11/1/16
I live on in spirit!
Posted 04:12pm 11/1/16