One of the biggest comic book heroes of all time stars in probably Telltale Games' biggest endeavor yet, Batman: The Telltale Series. A new episodic series that puts players in the shoes of Bruce Wayne and his alter-ego Batman, as they navigate through the underworld of Gotham. With Episode One out now, we don the cape, cowl, and knee high rubber boots to give you our take on the latest Batman adventure.
And yeah, it's pretty good so far.
This roster of familiar faces and names and places are what make up a large portion of ‘Realm of Shadows’. It’s only in the latter stages where Bruce Wayne and Batman are given specific, in the moment, goals and objectives that add a sense of excitement and propulsion to the events. It’s in these moments where Telltale’s knack for great dialogue and interesting set pieces shine brightest. Especially when you’re tasked with investigating a gruesome crime scene and then later on deciding on how best to dispose of a number of henchmen.
Click here to read our Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode One ‘Realm of Shadows’ Review!
Posted 08:57pm 10/8/16
I would rather it looked s***tier, but actually run smoothly.
I really hope they can improve this for the next episodes.
Posted 10:55am 11/8/16
Posted 11:46am 11/8/16
Hopefully it gets addressed for episode two. 25fps for an action game would be totally unacceptable, but it isn't so bad for an interactive movie. But even so, for what's still an average looking game it shouldn't run at 720p or less resolution and struggle to hit 30fps.