Post by KostaAndreadis @ 04:17pm 11/03/19 | 2 Comments
Of course, this is via the Wii U emulator Cemu. Which was able to get a workable version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to run on PC back when the game originally launched. Since that time the emulator has evolved and modders have been able to enable and disable certain high-end features to change the look.
And we say change because we think that the game does look better with cel-shading enabled - as turning it off gives it a much flatter look. But, seeing Breath of the Wild run at 4K in an UltraWide aspect ratio at 60 frames-per-second (via an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti) is impressive.
The video was put together by YouTuber Arkh Longstride to showcase the latest version of Cemu - 1.15.3.b, and the modding potential it provides. The draw distance is remarkable though.
It's pretty amazing what people can do if they are dedicated enough. I assume that they would need a 2080 to run it that well because of the inefficiency of emulation.
Posted 01:43am 13/3/19