Post by Steve Farrelly @ 01:14pm 30/07/19 | 0 Comments
In case you're not in the (space) loop, Starbase from Frozenbyte is a space-based MMO featuring first-person combat, space-station building, trading and more. The game is in Early Access on Steam, and recently the devs tested, and recorded, the game's forthcoming space combat component.
Two videos are on offer in fact, available to view embedded below. But for those keen to know more, here's Frozenbyte's official line on what its game actually is:
Starbase is a hybrid voxel/vertex-based space MMO with a fully destructible and infinitely expanding universe, with a focus on building and designing spaceships and stations, exploration, resource gathering, crafting, trading, and combat.
One video is a collection of combat highlights (the first embed), while the second is strictly capture from one dev's experience in the "simulated combat scenario between the two developer factions, Empire and Kingdom".
The goal is to keep tests like this rolling along before introducing it to the game in Early Access for punters. And the team lists a 2019 release goal for the game on the whole.