Don't get too excited because this isn't a new video, but today EA have sent us a much nicer version of the "Thunder Run" trailer for Battlefield 3; the eight minute clip of singleplayer gameplay that was shown during their E3 press conference last week.
Back then, we only had a measly 170MB version of the clip to share, but this new source clip is 1.2GB, 60FPS, 19Mbit at 1080p and obviously offers a much better representation of what this game will look like when it's running on a top of the range gaming PC.
Sure, you could watch the low-res embed below, or the
720p stream here, but if you want to see what Battlefield 3 really looks like, we recommend you download the 1080p source
here from AusGamers files.
Battlefield 3 is due on October 25th 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Posted 04:48pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:07pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:07pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:09pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:52pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:56pm 17/6/11
Posted 05:58pm 17/6/11
Posted 06:00pm 17/6/11
Posted 06:14pm 17/6/11
Posted 06:49pm 17/6/11
Posted 07:01pm 17/6/11
Posted 07:28pm 17/6/11
yer it's a timed exclusive for those that pre-ordered. it will be given to everyone else towards the end of the year.
Posted 07:36pm 17/6/11
Posted 08:52pm 17/6/11
wow some gamers are hard to please :p
Posted 10:03pm 17/6/11
Posted 12:08am 18/6/11
Posted 03:12am 18/6/11
Posted 06:27am 18/6/11
Posted 11:57am 18/6/11
bc2 has perfect tank bullet drop.
Posted 12:35pm 18/6/11
But even the parts in that trailer where they show the inside of the tank, it looks just like the real thing, really cool. And the thermal imaging on an M1 Abrams actually does look green like NVG so thats not really a valid criticism either :P
Looking forward to this so much, I really hope it lives up to expectations.
Posted 12:38pm 18/6/11
Posted 12:46pm 18/6/11
Posted 01:18pm 18/6/11
I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of the graphics for some of the benefits you get with the console. i.e. more money in my pocket, 1080p LCD TV, surround sound and comfy couch + Mouse and Keyboard controls with the XIM3 for the 360. Though eventually i would have to upgrade my PC but right now I don't feel the need to drop a couple of thousand for a few games.
But hey, that's just me
Posted 02:02pm 18/6/11
But for those who want the best experience possible and can see themselves playing many hours of the game, its worth it.
Posted 02:03pm 18/6/11
But holy f*** that was awesome. I mean that was just mind blowing how good it looks now. Seeing those guys jump out of the tank on fire was really well done animation, the bodies seem to have a good dying animation now, the sound effects are just as mind blowing as BC2, the graphics are amazing, when you see the guy loading your tank was just wow and just everything else. It was just. Wow.
Posted 02:43pm 18/6/11
after all its called bf3 not bc3.... !
Posted 02:53pm 18/6/11
last edited by DM at 14:53:12 18/Jun/11
Posted 05:33pm 18/6/11
But after seeing how sexy the PC footage looks, I just couldn't bring myself to play it on any other platform. But then I am kinda spoiled, having the luxury to pretty much pick and choose which platforms I play my games on. If the choice came down to BF3 on xbox, or no BF3 at all, I'm sure I'd still end up getting it on Xbox, but I'd need to get me one of those XIM things for sure if I did.
And I guess its a nostalgia thing for me as well, Battlefield has always been something I played on PC, would feel wrong to play it on a console :P
Posted 05:37pm 18/6/11
Posted 06:35pm 18/6/11
BC2 is a console based franchise from what I remember, especially since BC1 was only for consoles. I think they weren't even originally gonna release BC2 for PC, but I could be wrong bout that.
This is specifically a BF game, so it should play like BF2 with destruction. (though it will feel different with the engine upgrade)
Posted 06:42pm 18/6/11
Posted 07:43pm 18/6/11
Posted 08:16pm 18/6/11
Posted 10:55pm 18/6/11
Posted 11:39pm 18/6/11
Well, to be fair, it's not just he graphics. The PC version will also have 64 player maps, whereas I think the console versions will only have 24.
Posted 11:52am 19/6/11
Also, knives are confirmed as pulling out to stab, not quick key s*** anymore.
Posted 02:09pm 19/6/11
Bit of a comparison.
Posted 02:36pm 19/6/11
Posted 02:38pm 19/6/11
Posted 02:45pm 19/6/11
Posted 04:13pm 19/6/11
Posted 04:58pm 19/6/11
I feel as if EA and Dice are only adding it because of COD.
Posted 05:01pm 19/6/11
EA haven't developed the game to be a ground breaking single player game other than the Frostbite engine 2.0 it's basically the same as any other scripted FPS, so I agree with what your saying Twisted.
Posted 05:44pm 19/6/11
Posted 05:51pm 19/6/11
MULTIPLAYER is what this games made for!
Posted 07:03pm 19/6/11
Posted 07:45pm 19/6/11
Posted 07:51pm 19/6/11
All of my wallet
Posted 08:03pm 19/6/11
After I upgrade take mine
Posted 08:16pm 19/6/11
Posted 08:20pm 19/6/11
Posted 09:01pm 19/6/11
Posted 09:04pm 19/6/11
I never played BC2 apart from the BETA. But loved BF2 and still play it.
Posted 11:13pm 19/6/11
I got the impression they had god mode or something switched on for that tank demo, cos his tank took quite a lot of big hits, even multiple hits from RPGs and such, and didn't seem to take any damage.
Posted 07:21am 20/6/11
Posted 07:27am 20/6/11
Posted 10:34am 20/6/11
Posted 11:06am 20/6/11
Posted 11:11am 20/6/11