Post by Steve Farrelly @ 02:49pm 20/04/16 | 3 Comments
Yeah sure, trailers are designed to fuel the hype-train, but if you're going to get hyped around a series that actually delivers, it might as well be the Mafia series, and this new story teaser from Mafia III delivers the goods in bloody spades.
The city of New Bordeaux had survived the War of 1812, the Civil War and god knows how many hurricanes. But when Lincoln Clay went after the Italian Mafia in 1968, he inflicted more damage than all those wars and hurricanes combined.
Mafia III - It’s 1968 and the rules have changed. After years in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay knows this truth: Family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you die for.
Moreover to the aforementioned hype is that I've seen the game in action (and it's oh-so-sweet). It also arrives the day before my birthday, so happy birthday to me.
Anyway, watch the trailer embedded below for yourself and share your thoughts in the Comments section. There are also a host of new screens further below.
Looks good - hopefully they learned a bit from the shortcomings of Mafia II which were not available in the game but were in Mafia the original (such as shooting from a vehicle, trams just to name ones that come to mind.)
Posted 08:02pm 20/4/16
Posted 09:20pm 20/4/16
Posted 10:07pm 20/4/16