Kosta Andreadis is a bit of a Warhammer geek, but he takes it a step further. Instead of painting table-top figurines to show his love of the universe, he dresses up as a Space Ork and frequents furry parties; not to partake in their weirdness, but to growl at them, and steal their woman, who may or may not be dressed as giant blue rabbits.
He has a problem. So by order of doctors, we gave him the latest Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II expansion to play through, Retribution, in hope it might distract him long enough we can hide his outfit and quit his silly games. So far it's worked.
Check out his in-depth review of the latest DoW II expansion right here.
Posted 05:51pm 08/4/11
"Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War 2: Retribution" ?
You think they may have made it long enough?? Geez
Posted 05:54pm 08/4/11
Posted 06:39pm 08/4/11
Posted 08:20pm 08/4/11
Posted 09:35pm 08/4/11
Currently sitting on $41.99 for the CE and $29.99 for the base game. There is the savings for you.
Posted 05:12pm 13/4/11
I'm looking at a game on my shelf;
"The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2: The Rise of the Witch King"
I believe it's the longest name for a retail game ever. Also an awesome game.
On that note, thanks for the review but seeing as it's not really changing much from DaW2 i'm gonna pass. I really can't play that game for more than 5 minutes...
... I start to miss my precious Mutalisks :'(