While trouncing through both single-player and co-op, AusGamers contributor, Naren Hooson, also cornered (in a dark, scarily lit place, mind) Dead Space 3 executive producer, Steve Papoutsis, to ask him about all the new additions to their survival-horror opus, and what they mean for fans and other gamers alike.
Papoutsis makes no apologies for co-op, going so far as to say that he hopes "that people [will] look back and think of Dead Space 3 as a game that was very innovative in the co-op space". He reiterates, however, that co-op is optional and also talks in detail about the size of the new environments, why Isaac is facing human enemies here and much, much more.
Click here for the full interview feature.
Posted 11:03pm 22/1/13
Posted 11:24pm 22/1/13
After watching the demo playthroughs of this i'm going to be totally skipping this one. I bought the last 2 and thought the first one was brilliant, now it's just gone too off track for me. It went from real survival horror to action jump scare. Although I will give them props for doing Co-Op the good way, just adding more people into the single player game. So many games lack that these days. Far Cry 3 would of been so much more amazing had it real co-op instead of it's own mode.
Also because it's related here is the Game Grumps episode they did on the demo. The birds that fly down throughout the video had me in stiches.