The first Drake-free Uncharted game from developer Naughty Dog is here, starring series favourites Chloe and Nadine. Like with Uncharted 4 it provides a gorgous world to explore and adventure in. And discover some ancient trinkets along the way. But has the series become too focused on its third-person action?

So, yep, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a gorgeous and incredibly playable game. It is so because of the two main characters that carry its story in Chloe and Nadine -- one an Uncharted series veteran, and one A Thief’s End alumni still very pissed at the Drake brothers. And these factors are important and explorable -- much like the game’s space. It’s a wonderfully progressive piece of design from Naughty Dog. A more sandbox exercise to the exploration formula (even if it is still relatively directed), but one that rewards players with that sense of wonder. But where it fails, and where I’ll be separated by most of the Uncharted faithful is in its combat. Well, more specifically in its “call to action” -- a design term that represents a turning point for players; a moment where the game sucks them into a never-ending “gameplay loop” until they make the end credits. And in The Lost Legacy’s case, it’s in being forced to shoot your way through to the next eureka exploration moment, over and over again.
Click Here to Read Our Full Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Review