Post by KostaAndreadis @ 04:22pm 16/06/16 | 2 Comments
The first paid-for expansion for The Division is called 'Underground Operations' and it introduces a new wing to the standard Base of Operations where players and groups can tackle randomised missions or dungeons set in the vast sprawling subway system of New York City. Think Rifts from Diablo 3 and you get the idea. With varying difficulty, modifiers, and rewards, 'Underground Operations' looks to add a bit of variety to the standard mission-replay feature in the base game.
In addition to the randomised dungeon nature of the encounters certain modifiers like Fog of War removes hud elements like the minimap, Waste Not Want Not makes you lose any remaining ammo in a clip when reloading, Mad Skills puts starts the cooldown timer on all of your skills when you use one, and Special Forces gives enemies special ammo types. Plus, a few more. Check out the following demonstration of the update thanks to Gamespot below.
The Underground expansion for The Division will be out on Xbox One and PC on June 28, and August 2 for PS4.
Posted 09:41am 17/6/16
Posted 10:34am 17/6/16