Perhaps the most controversial element of Crystal Dynamics upcoming Tomb Raider reboot, is the apparent increase in the quantity of human adversaries in the game, presumably necessitated by the new game's extra focus on Lara's new combat abilities. Whereas the earlier games were much more driven by exploration and puzzle solving, punctuated mostly by battles with endangered animal species, and only a handful of distinct human opponents.
Today's trailer offers a bit more of an idea as to the extent of both of those factors, demonstrating a wide array of Lara's new attack moves and strategies, and leaving a pile of dead people in her wake. Check it out below.
Tomb Raider is due on March 5th 2013, for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
Posted 01:35pm 22/2/13
Posted 02:12pm 22/2/13
Posted 08:11pm 22/2/13