If you hadn't already named your own price for Metro 2033 in the Humble THQ Bundle, you now have a chance to pick up the post-apocalyptic shooter completely free.
An advertisement on the game's facebook page, also accessible by via the URL freemetrogame.com, is offering players a Steam download key for the game, simply for clicking "like" to follow their social updates. According to the small-print, the offer ends on December 16.
The promotion serves to prime players with the game's chilling narrative in preparation for the upcoming sequel Metro: Last Light, which is due in March 2013, for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
The latest trailer for Metro: Last Light, titled Genesis, can be seen below:
edit: So you dont have to download the .exe, but you still need to give the facebook app access to your account. You can delete it once you've got the key.
Posted 10:52am 12/12/12
Posted 11:19am 12/12/12
Posted 11:34am 12/12/12
edit: So you dont have to download the .exe, but you still need to give the facebook app access to your account. You can delete it once you've got the key.
Posted 11:46am 12/12/12