Following this morning's splendid news
regarding dedicated servers, Bethesda have sent along another video in their "Get SMART" tutorial series for Brink (S.M.A.R.T. being an acronym for the game's Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain system, FYI).
One of the big detractors of Splash Damage's previous games has been the very steep learning curve. While that complexity in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars might have made for a very rewarding experience for seasoned players that stuck it out, it set the bar too high for many newcomers who would simply walk away from the product in frustration, hindering growth in both of those games beyond a core community.
The developers appear to have recognised this weak point and not only are many of the in-game interfaces and directions looking vastly improved, but these detailed tutorials seem like a great way of introducing new players to the game's non-conventional aspects. Let's hope these aren't purely for promotional purposes and are actually included with the game.
Tutorial number three gives a detailed overview of general gameplay, with a multitude of tips to help you stay in the fight.
Watch it below or
click here for the HD option. If you missed the previous two, you can find those and more on our Brink
game page.
Brink is due in Australia on May 12th 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Posted 12:31pm 29/4/11
Posted 05:20pm 29/4/11