The Witness developer Thekla Inc. will be aiming for 1080p 60FPS on the PlayStation 4 when it comes to their open-world puzzle title The Witness, studio head Jonathan Blow revealed on the
PlayStation Blog today.
Blow noted that "At launch on PS4, we’re planning to render at 1080p and 60 frames per second." He does however note that some areas of the game are still in development and the frame rate can drop in those areas, however "most of the island where The Witness takes place is fully modeled at this point."
Blow wasn't shy in revealing details about how the game streams in its data, whereby it will actually stream in higher-detail versions of far-away geometry to make everything look smooth. "When we do stream in higher-detail versions of far-away geometry, we don’t want the graphics to pop, so we’ve recently implemented a smooth blend between LOD levels," Blow said.
Sadly there is still no release date for The Witness on PC and PlayStation 4, however the game is still scheduled for a mid-2014 release window. While we twiddle our thumbs in anticipation check out the latest screenshots below showing off the gorgeous looking environments.