It's been out for a few days, but we've been dealing with our post-E3 slaw (and I've equally dealt with wrestling my housemates for the game), but here's the AusGamers The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D review.
In all honesty, there's not a great deal to say about this game beyond praising it for its place in the annals of videogame brilliance. We do definitely talk about additions to the package on the whole, but the most important information anyone can really walk away with, is this is a perfect update to a classic title that does not feel like a cheap cash-in. It's just as engaging (if not more so) and so for fans, well worth it. If you're a newcomer to the game or series though, Ocarina of Time 3D really is the perfect place to start.
Click here for our full review.
Posted 04:07pm 06/7/11
zelda is probably one of the very few 10/10 games in my book
Posted 04:10pm 06/7/11
Posted 04:14pm 06/7/11
I admit, Navi is more than a little annoying - like FU Beyotch, who are you to tell me I need to take a break? :P Next after 4 hours straight of playing you'll be telling me I'm addicted or something!
Personally, one of the very few titles that tops this new version of Zelda: OOT is Zelda: LttP.
Posted 04:21pm 06/7/11
Also, Navi is awesome. Helped me so many times, also what the hell would you do without her Z targeting for you?
Posted 04:23pm 06/7/11
Posted 04:29pm 06/7/11
Posted 04:29pm 06/7/11
Then again, maybe I'm just nitpicking. It's an awesome game no question, and one of the few which I love I just figured they would add something new or unique into it. I suppose if I wanted something new I'd wait for the next one in the series.
Or Majoras Mask on the 3ds.
Posted 04:45pm 06/7/11
Since we started reviewing on AusGamers, we've handed out one 10/10 and that was for The Orange Box, which as Dan pointed out in his review, was based more around the value for money in the purchase - the games within he scored accordingly and none were 10/10.
Also, for anyone counting, this is the first time I've issued a 9.8 to any game on AusGamers
last edited by Steve Farrelly at 16:45:20 06/Jul/11
Posted 04:38pm 06/7/11
Note by the way that Zelda 3DS is going for $49 at most places now, much more reasonable than $65 we were paying for launch 3DS titles. For a handheld game, I personally feel that $60-70 is too much. I think LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is $79 RRP, crazy!
Posted 04:46pm 06/7/11
Posted 04:48pm 06/7/11
Now I'm thanking my younger self - Steve, imagine playing it through for the first time with this outstanding presentation. It has been mind blowing. Nothing this epic has been presented on a hand held in 3D before (not actual 3D, but with polygons, etc.).
Posted 04:53pm 06/7/11
Posted 05:04pm 06/7/11
if they bring majoras mask to 3DS i will buy one fo sho
last edited by Sc00bs at 17:04:03 06/Jul/11
Posted 05:09pm 06/7/11
Wind Waker is awesome, and the visual style has helped it age much more gracefully. It still looks really good, especially if you play it on an emulator at high resolution.
Posted 05:10pm 06/7/11
Posted 05:12pm 06/7/11
terribly underrated imo. I had nothing but love for WW.
Posted 05:50pm 06/7/11
Yeah since both MM and OoT are considered the best 2 zelda games made. I for one hope they do a 3D remake of Link to the Past but fat chance at that. If they could do a Wind Waker for 3DS that would be awesome as well because that was indeed a underrated gem of a game.
Posted 05:51pm 06/7/11