This week The GAP is bringing two episodes to you, which means you've got about 5 hours of people sort of talking about games. The first episode is your regularly scheduled broadcast as Luke, Heath, Junglist and Joaby talk about the Destiny Beta, Heroes of the Storm Alpha (pre-game destroying patch), Hidden in Plain Sight, Depth and more. They also talk about the news of the week -- the Dota 2 International winners, the Yogventures controversy and whatever else comes up.
The second episode is something for the Dota 2 fans, as Luke and Joaby are joined by local game developer Tim Stobo and
games journalist Ryan Cunningham to discuss The International Dota 2 Championships 2014 in detail. With a collective play time of over 4500 hours there's more than enough experience to go around. Except for Joaby, who doesn't know what he's talking about. But at least he stays quiet.
As always, these episodes are available right here on AusGamers, but you can also subscribe to their RSS feed to grab the show off iTunes or PocketCasts or whatever.
The GAP Episode 232 - Podcast Simulator 2015
The GAP Episode 233 - The Dota 2 International 2014 Pubstomp