For those that may not be aware, Night Dive Studios has a god send to fans of classic PC gaming the world over. The Vancouver based studio has devoted its efforts to reviving and re-releasing a number of classic games, with dozens of titles published on platforms like and Steam over the years, including cult hits like System Shock 2 and The 7th Guest. And now with the rights to the franchise in its possession, Night Dive is working on a full remake of the original System Shock (1994).
In a fascinating and great piece on the studio at
Fast Company, Night Dive confirms development is underway and that it's working with original concept artist Robert Waters to bring the classic game into the 21st century.
"Seeing the difference between his artistic abilities back then compared to now, and his ablity to reinterpret those ideas, it's just been really exciting for us." Stephen Kick (Night Dive CEO)
This is a big step up for the studio that to date has been a go-to house for bringing back classic PC games, sprucing them up a bit, and ensuring they work on modern hardware. As to whether or not this could lead to a System Shock 3 the developer is optimistic, but well aware that a game of that size would require assistance from a larger publisher.
Also, Night Dive is looking at porting some classic PC games to both console and mobile platforms, a strategy it sees as key to future growth.
Posted 02:48pm 13/11/15
Posted 03:08pm 13/11/15
I look forward to seeing what they can do.
Posted 10:50am 15/11/15
Posted 09:01pm 15/11/15