Undead Labs' zombie shooter has now been legalised in Australia, after a revised version of the recently
refused classification title was designated an R18+ rating by the Australian Classification Board (thanks
The only expected change to the game is a very superficial one, reportedly renaming the game's healing powerups from Morphine, to Med-X, with the game's developers describing the move as "Stimulants out! "Supplements" in! Who could possibly not like vitamins? They're good for you".
ACB verdict now lists drug use as only a "Moderate Impact" in the game, with the only "high impact" check mark remaining in violence column.
The currently Xbox 360-exclusive game has yet to appear on the Australian Marketplace, but you can read our
in-depth review here. A PC version of State of Decay is still in development.
Posted 11:52am 12/7/13
Posted 11:53am 12/7/13
Posted 08:02pm 12/7/13
It's made even more absurd by the fact that the only thing you were using those "illicit drugs" for was the intended f*****g use of them (ie - healing / painkilling).
It's not like they were something that gave +50 stamina for morphine or anything, it was just "pop ibuprofen, gain health back. Pop morphine, gain a lot of health back".
Posted 04:40am 13/7/13
Posted 03:35pm 13/7/13
As for morphine, "is a potent opiate analgesic drug that is used to relieve severe pain" (wikipedia), not a health regen drug so the in game effects are incorrect.
Thats quite a pile there.
Dont get me wrong, im not on the side of the classification board but f*****g about with real world drugs in a game could cause issues i think.
Posted 03:40pm 13/7/13
If you're a grown up and you're stupid enough to abuse drugs because you saw it in a f*****g video game then natural selection is coming to get you one way or another.
Posted 03:49pm 13/7/13
Thats exactly what i was thinking about. And while it is probably unlikely and obviously the individual's fault, the repercussions i imagine would be pretty bad for the industry, game devs etc.
I just dont see why having the IRL name of the drug is so important in game. If the game devs had skipped straight to fake drug names i doubt anybody would have cared so to me it seems people have more of an issue with the censorship that is going on, not the actual cause of the censorship.
Posted 03:58pm 13/7/13
Why is it OK to have a sandbox game where you can commit cold blooded murder of innocents and go on a bloody rampage in the streets (I always get sidetracked like this in GTA hahah), but f*** no, you can't have real names for drugs? Why are games special and have repercussions, but drug use in film is fine? Breaking Bad is MA15+, but real named drugs in games = RC?
Its 100% bulls***.
Posted 10:23pm 13/7/13
I think there are a few differences between say tv/movies and video games but if drugs are OK in one then i dont see why they arent OK in the other given same classification.
Posted 12:18am 14/7/13
It just seems dumb, how dare you bring the patriarchy into this!
Posted 08:46pm 25/12/13
Is the drug renaming issue the only modified content (kind of retarded decision, really, but hey that's our classification system for ya.) or has there been other changes, too?
Otherwise, if it's had the L4D2 treatment, I will pass on it.
By the way, just to add further discredit to the OFLC, Bethesda's 'Fallout 3' featured morphine and that was altered for the sake of getting released in Australia. Yeah, I'm sure you knew that already, right? Then of course, for comparison sake, the earlier Bethesda published 'Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth' was released here on both PC and XBOX. It also featured morphine use and that title got passed the censor's desk without a single eyebrow being raised.
Now THAT'S blind bureaucracy for ya. lol.