Splash Damage, the UK-based studio known for the Enemy Territory games, and the less memorable Brink, has revealed their next upcoming title, a PC multiplayer shooter titled Dirty Bomb.
An official website
dirtybombgame.com has been launched, where you can reserve your player name, but no other details are outlined. A teaser trailer does tell us quite a lot about the game however, and you can watch that one below.
From the video, we can see that the game takes place in a futuristic London setting. Dirty Bomb also seemingly marks Splash Damage's first shooter departure away from id Software's engine technology, as the video features an Unreal Engine logo. This stands to reason, as the game is to be published by Splash Damage sister company publisher WarChest Games, and not Bethesda, as Brink was.
The other big presumption we can make is that the game will likely be free to play, given that
WarChest's website is plastered with the taglines "It'll be free", and "free games are coming", and CEO Paul Wedgewoods recent comments on their free-to-play philosophy.
Posted 12:53pm 30/11/12
i have clocked in about 50 hours in brink and really liked it, despite the crappy optimisations & bots, there was gold there when you had a good team going - but i don't think i will be going back. i really hope splash damage learnt their lesson with brink, i am desperate to support them because of the great experiences they have given me with the ET franchise, really hope they can pull it off this time.
Posted 02:12pm 30/11/12
Posted 03:21pm 30/11/12
Posted 03:33pm 30/11/12
Posted 08:56pm 30/11/12