Splash Damage, the British studio that cuts its teeth on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and found success across many titles including its own efforts Brink and Dirty Bomb, has partnered with Wargaming -- of World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Warships fame. So, does this mean they'll be leaving behind vehicles for some infantry-based historical warfare?
Based on the partnership being with Splash Damage, you would have to think so. Or, something along the lines of Battlefield. An all-encompassing Wargaming experience with multiple vehicles and infantry battles and the ability to hop in and out of tanks and planes.
“What impresses me most about Splash Damage is their passion for every project they take on,” said Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming. “They’re working incredibly hard to create truly memorable games, won’t stop until everything runs like clockwork, and share in our values of player-focused game design, which makes them just the right partner for Wargaming.”
The announcement today doesn't really go into any detail (as seen with the quote above) other than confirm that whatever it is, it's a new project. With Splash Damage bringing its "vast multiplayer expertise to brand-new projects for Wargaming’s community."
World of War?