With the launch of the next-generation consoles closing in as the days go by, the battle for which console takes over your living room is only just starting to heat up. To help poke at the flames, Sony has entered the ring with a new commercial aimed at wanting PlayStation 4 to be your next-gen console choice.
Titled "the best place to play", the new ad shows off exactly what you can expect from the November 29th launch, including a large list of exclusive titles sure to make your wallet cry out in pain. Interestingly the ad also notes that both Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and the now-delayed Watch Dogs include 60 minute exclusive content, both 6 months exclusive to the PlayStation 4.
Other details include over 180 games in development for the next-gen console, and a roll call of 14 Sony-owned studios bringing out 24 PlayStation 4 exclusive titles. Check it out below and let us know your thoughts on the upcoming next-gen console war in the comments.
Posted 03:08pm 25/10/13
Posted 10:22am 26/10/13
PC and Xbox for the competitive,
I mean fifa 14 all COD's and battlefield the skill drop off in the ps4 community is severe
Posted 05:24pm 26/10/13
Posted 05:33pm 26/10/13
The only solution is to buy both!
Posted 05:40pm 26/10/13
Posted 05:48pm 26/10/13
This is what i've preordered so far:
Xbox one Console - $600
Xbox one arcade stick - $250
Xbox Live day one membership with Shadow Jago - $80
Killer Instinct Ultimate Edition: $40
$970 for just one game and there's no backing out now I'M KNEE DEEP IN THIS S*** NUGGAH F** I"M SUCH A CHUMP!
Posted 06:36pm 26/10/13
Posted 09:32pm 27/10/13
I will eventually end up getting both consoles. Only for their exclusives. PC for everything else.
Posted 09:38am 28/10/13
It's all over the place at the moment with embargoes on reviews until midday at launch in the US or something crazy like that.
Posted 10:10am 28/10/13
Posted 10:19am 28/10/13
Was excited for killer instinct but lost it soon after when they mentioned that you have to pay to unlock each character. F** Dat.
I'll probably buy a ps4 around launch and then an xbox one a few months after.
My 360 has been the least used console even more so towards end of the generation where as my ps3 has consistently been a favorite since the day i brought it home.
That's only with me though, the younger gamers in our house love the xbox and swear by it as the best console ever. I can see why, if I was between the age on 10-20 id be all over it as well.
Posted 10:38am 28/10/13
Yeah, I heard that rumour too, but its hard to tell truth from fanboyism at this point. It was COD I heard it about too, which seemed especially odd seeing as they're in bed with MS and its being pushed hard for XBone.
Posted 11:03am 28/10/13
I'm curious, if something is getting a significant amount of press and speculation prior to the launch, if it was false why wouldn't you come out and say, um, guys, it's running at 1080p, k thks bye. Surely keeping quiet is only going to hurt them.