On November 10 here in Australia you will be able to pick up a pocket-sized original NES, with 30 classic Nintendo games built into it. And we couldn't be happier.
While we
whine about the The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has quietly revealed it will be releasing a small, pocket-sized NES featuring a number of memorable games. Information we learnt from our pals over at
The little console comes with HDMI cable (good news), a USB cable and a single controller (there are two controller ports though). It'll set you back about $100 dollerydoos, and the games it comes loaded with are:
- Balloon Fight™
- Castlevania™
- Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest™
- Donkey Kong™
- Donkey Kong Jr. ™
- Dr. Mario™
- Excitebike™
- Galaga™
- Ice Climber™
- Kid Icarus™
- Kirby’s Adventure™
- Mario Bros. ™
- Metroid™
- Punch-Out!! ™ Featuring Mr. Dream
- StarTropics™
- Super Mario Bros.™
- Super Mario Bros. ™ 2
- Super Mario Bros. ™ 3
- The Legend of Zelda™
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link™
Obviously you can pretty much play any of these on Desktops through Roms or the like, but there's some very cool nostalgia value here, and I for one will definitely be jumping on board.
According to the article on Vooks' site, the controllers "will connect to Wii Remote accessory ports, which also allows players to use their existing Wii Classic Controllers with the 30 included games. These new NES controllers will also be compatible with Wii Remotes to be used with Wii and Wii U Virtual Console titles. Extra controllers will be sold separately for $19.95AU".
Is this something you could see yourself picking up?
Posted 03:30pm 15/7/16
Also pretty sure the unit is as is and you wont be able to change any of the games or update it. So it's technically not a console.
Fingers crossed for a similar palm sized SNES and N64.
Posted 03:38pm 15/7/16
Posted 04:08pm 15/7/16
kinda tiny, unless that's a giants hand
could easily do something like this with a raspberry pi 3 which has mini hdmi and MAME for less than $100, just wouldn't have a cool mini tendo case
saw SNK did a neogeo console like this a few years ago, would have got that if it had hdmi because of raiden and metal slug
last edited by trillion at 16:08:08 15/Jul/16
last edited by trillion at 16:08:46 15/Jul/16
Posted 04:52pm 15/7/16
Posted 08:51pm 15/7/16
If you wanted to make your own retro console, perhaps some scrupulous manufacturers in China will clone the case/shell of it so you can buy it and stick a raspberry in it.
Posted 07:48pm 16/7/16
I'm looking forward to seeing what the modding community will do with this.
Posted 09:26am 17/7/16
Posted 12:34pm 17/7/16
Posted 03:56pm 22/7/16
I sell using Paypal, ebay (with refound system on). I won't ask your steam login or password, the game will run from a different account in another folder.
USD $7,00 each
Far Cry Primal
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Just Cause 3
Homefront: The Revoluion
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Doom 2016
Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter
Total War: Warhammer
Posted 08:20am 23/7/16
Posted 12:49pm 23/7/16
but i guess if they had planned for adding games later they would have mentioned it
if anything instead of an sdcard you swap out they probably would have gone with an estore like they use in their Wii system
Posted 09:39am 24/7/16
Posted 02:34pm 26/7/16