Having passed it's initial crowdfunding goal late last week, the Kickstarter campaign for a spiritual successor to Syndicate and Syndicate Wars is now in its final hours.
Passing the £440,000 mark, the team has now achieved its third stretch target, promising to now implement environmental destruction in the game's dystopian city-scapes. Previous targets committed the team to six foreign language localisations, and brought original Syndicate composer, Russell Shaw, onboard.
A couple of new videos showing off some more concept footage were also released over the weekend, and you can scope them out below.
At the time of posting, Satellite Reign's pledge drive has just under three hours left, and the Brisbane-based team at 5-lives Studios will be celebrating the successful campaign live-streamed on Twitch TV this morning. Head over to the Kickstarter Page to get involved.
Posted 01:43pm 29/7/13
Posted 03:07pm 29/7/13