AusGamers' Naren Hooson managed to score some primo time with a section of Far Cry 3, where Ubisoft had set up a playable perimeter in their giant open-world game to let players simply
play with their impressive game-world and its myriad systems. Lions, tigers and bears. No seriously, there were a lot of those three things, actually.
On top of that, he then had a chance to speak with the game's lead designer, Jamie Keen, about much of what he'd just played, what we've seen through trailers so far and much, much more.
Click here for the full feature.
Posted 04:18pm 03/9/12
Posted 04:31pm 03/9/12
Posted 04:53pm 03/9/12
Posted 06:13pm 03/9/12
Posted 06:39pm 03/9/12
No, dork, First Person Shooter as opposed to a Third Person Shooter.
Posted 07:58pm 03/9/12
Hahaha, the story was so flimsy. I just played through it again, and while it's hilarious fun, god that story is a piece of s***.
That said, I would buy a Just Cause 3 just because it's so damn huge and fun.
Posted 10:04am 13/9/12