Following last week's big PlayStation 4 reveal, much expectation has now been heaped on Microsoft, who are yet to disclose any details on their similarly hotly-anticipated next generation games console. However, as it did before Sony's announcement, the rumour has began to bubble with word on when Microsoft will be showing their hand, and all signs are pointing toward a one-off event April 2013.
CVG appears to have been the first to sound the horn, with many other publications confirming their sources have reached the same conclusion. AusGamers is happy to join the party on this one, as we can also confirm to have word, on good authority, of something Xbox going down in April.
Microsoft partner Ustechs has also reportedly registered the very suggestive Internet domain, so unless we hear otherwise, expect to hear more about codename Durango in under two months.
Posted 12:03pm 25/2/13
Posted 12:36pm 25/2/13
I sold my 360 shortly after I finished laughing.
Posted 12:50pm 25/2/13
You reckon? The 360 has been around for about 8 years now and is still kicking ass. And they didn't have bluray either to entice customers. I think they'll do alright against Sony. I don't think they have to worry too much about Nintendo since Nintendo are still dragging their feet with adding in DVD/Bluray playback plus their hardware will be behind Sony and MS again. Also, I'm not a fanboy of either. PC will always be my main choice.
Posted 01:50pm 25/2/13
I laugh in your face, sir.
WiiU needs DLNA, not Blu-Ray.
Posted 02:17pm 25/2/13
In saying all this, I am quite excited to see what Microsoft do with their next-gen console. I'm hoping for more media playback and a strong push to unite Windows 8 with PC which should be interesting. No doubt it would probably be cheaper too (hopefully) though we shall see.
Posted 02:19pm 25/2/13
Nintendo will likely go the way of Sega this generation unless handhelds carry them to the finish line. Wii was unique, unrepeatable and a short term success and long term disaster.
Their overall strategy is anchored in the 90s, producing gaming machines and toys, not entertainment systems - PS3 was only successful because of BluRay. Xbox was successful because of the titles that dragged it into great success.
BluRay is important, because the majority of people in the world aren't tech savvy and buy physical media, so I wouldn't be laughing at Reverend Evil.
Due to x86 architecture across the board PC will become the lead development platform and consoles will be the ports. Multi-core will become more prevalent, as will engine efficiency as the pathetic clock speeds of the consoles will need to be taken advantage of.
This will mean PCs will have a huge amount of overhead for massive performance gains and higher resolutions.
WiiU development will fall behind due to hardware gap. This gap will widen hugely when 360 and PS3 are abandoned by devs in 2015/16 and become the home of old ports from previous generations and bad movie tie-in ports etc. as PS1, PS2 did. 360 will likely do this for a very short period of time before being cut off as Microsoft have a more aggressive upgrade model - they push devs off, Sony like to squeeze old gen for every cent it's worth (PS2 only stopped being manufactured mid-2012).
WiiU will fall behind at that stage, because it will be the most difficult to code for. Smaller install base will likely result in less or no effort from third parties, unlike with Cell, which had enough traction to keep Sony in the game.
Then we will see the Steam Boxes emerge, Linux become a lead platform as Nvidia continue working on Linux drivers and coding happens in OpenGL (as used on consoles anyway), with performance boosts of up to 400% depending on the engine and less code between metal and engine.
At this point Microsoft will lose traction due to a modest pick-up of Windows. Gamers have a disproportionate influence over operating system choices in the consumer market, so moving to Linux will cause major issues for Microsoft as Windows 7 ages and
So... that's next gen for the initiated.
Posted 02:57pm 25/2/13
The Wii U isn't selling as many units as the original, but people are buying a lot more games for it. The attach rate is almost double what it was at this time in the Wii's launch. This is good news for Nintendo, as the Wii U with its fancy pants tablet controller is considerably more expensive for them to make than the Wii was, and they need games to be sold to make money.
The launch hasn't been a failure, it just hasn't been the exception that the Wii was, but it still out performed BOTH the 360 and PS3 launches in a pretty gloomy economy, with over 3 million consoles now sold.
Your post is full of random thoughts and assumed truths that are made up. There's a portion of the gaming community that is desperate for Nintendo to fail for some bizarre reason.
Posted 02:59pm 25/2/13
Posted 03:06pm 25/2/13
As mentioned, this Shwa random is making up reasons for Nintendo-fail.
Posted 03:13pm 25/2/13
The "average" person doesn't care about blu-ray player. The "average" person cares about the $300 price difference which it looks like it'll be heading again.
Posted 03:18pm 25/2/13
People have been sayin nintendo is doomed since the n64 days. Not gonna happen, they are too profitable unlike Sony and Microsoft's gaming businesses.
Posted 03:25pm 25/2/13
Posted 03:45pm 25/2/13
Name one first party game that was awesome besides Halo?
I haven't even thought about the 360 at all in at least a year, until all this next-gen talk.
The only thing Microsoft ever did well, was ruin things for everyone else, while not producing anything worth while themselves.
Not a fanboy, but have to call it how I see it. The Xbox enjoyed a nice period of prosperity, but the last 3 years have been total crap.
Posted 03:50pm 25/2/13
Posted 03:55pm 25/2/13
I must be stuck in the 90's, cause I still like buying gaming machines.
I dont really need my console to be an entertainment hub, but in saying that Nintendo could add media capabilities to the Wii U through software, not a silly blu-ray drive that no one needs.
Posted 03:56pm 25/2/13
Posted 03:57pm 25/2/13
Posted 04:02pm 25/2/13
I'd like to see who doesn't have some form of DVD or Bluray playback, especially in the year 2013.
Also ShwaMiller86, the Wii U has actually performed just above what the PS3 and Xbox 360 did in their first three months, which is odd I guess for a console that is "dying". Nothing will ever come close to Sega and its falls, especially Nintendo who has a hefty sum banked up from the Wii and DS days. While it is doom and gloom at the moment, I highly doubt NIntendo aren't going to rollover and die without some sort of fight, so hopefully we see some big titles next month like Monster Hunter and LEGO that really kick start the buyer fever.
Tel, anything can be deemed "childish", heck most of America's media think video games are still children's toys and deem them too violent for kids.
I'd suggest giving Steve's latest entry at Vooks a read, its a great piece and I share many of his opinions on this whole Nintendo ordeal.
Posted 04:01pm 25/2/13
Posted 04:11pm 25/2/13
Posted 04:34pm 25/2/13
Posted 05:08pm 25/2/13
lolz, asif anyone cares about being able to play dvds/blurays
Posted 05:31pm 25/2/13
Posted 05:38pm 25/2/13
Posted 05:41pm 25/2/13
Posted 06:34pm 25/2/13
The developers of Watch_Dogs admitted the demo was running on a PC set up similar to what the specs for the PS4.
Posted 06:48pm 25/2/13
Posted 09:39pm 25/2/13
That's subjective. If you like to have physical media and want a single media solution, not 2-3 devices in your home theatre, then you would want one.
If you just use ISO's and stream then yeah, who cares.
Posted 09:54pm 25/2/13
I enjoy a console set-up in the lounge room because I work behind a desk all day and I don't want to be behind a desk playing games, I like to sit back in my sofa, drinking a beer and playing a video game my PC is used for Mplayer (NS2, TF2, SC2 etc)
Also paying for Xbox Live is what $6.00 a month? How many times were Sony's servers hacked again???? I'd rather pay a measly $6.00 a month if it means security, oh plus all the DLC first Xbox got.
Posted 11:20pm 25/2/13
PS4 is confirmed to not have PS3 backwards compatibility
The next Xbox is also unlikely to have that ability as they're switching to x86 architecture too. The interesting thing to see will be if somehow they will be able to transfer XBLA content, I'm guessing that's not coming across either.
Posted 11:41pm 25/2/13
Posted 08:02am 26/2/13
This for me also, but without even the buying.
Posted 10:37am 26/2/13
Posted 10:47am 26/2/13
Posted 10:56am 26/2/13
Holy f*****g backflip batman!
Posted 11:07am 26/2/13
Of course, I would never expect them to change it. If you can get millions of chumps to pay subscription fees for the "privilege" of playing multiplayer or accessing any online features, why would you stop?
And yeah it wouldn't surprise me at all if Sony went the same way, though if they did it would rule the PS4 out for me completely. The old PS3 will do me just fine for casual on the couch/social gaming for at least a few more years.
Posted 11:26am 26/2/13
pretty sure they said it's still free.
bluray drives aren't solely for movies, it can help improve games too. due to the large capacity of the discs, it gives developers the option to add better quality cinematics, audio and more to the game. that's something they can't really do with the xbox unless they fork out the cash to print extra DVD's.
that's me. i only want the 1 device and my ps3 allows me to do everything i want and need from it. it plays my physical media, media obtained in other manners, and my ps3 exclusive games.