Released in 2006 for PlayStation 2, high school-based adventure title Bully may be getting some form of a sequel according to a new trademark file spotted by
JunkieMonkeys (thanks
Rockstar Games filed for the trademark on November 20th in Europe, with the name Bully Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit". The original title's release was also named Canis Canem Edit (Latin for dog eats dog), though only in Europe with other countries getting Bully.
According to EuroGamer, a similar application was spotted on July 25th in the US where Rockstar's parent company Take-Two filed to update its existing Bully trademark. Hopefully we'll hear more in the coming months but now that Grand Theft Auto 5 is out and about, who knows what Rockstar have planned for the new generation.
Posted 12:23pm 26/11/13
Posted 07:01pm 26/11/13
Posted 07:23pm 26/11/13