Out this week on PC via
Steam, we take the new top-down old school brawler Redeemer for a spin. Well, less of a spin and more of a sequence of hours spent punching, hitting, shooting, and bashing in a few skulls. Over the top in the right sort of way, this could be worth checking out if you're in the mood for some old school action. Early '90s arcade style.
Redeemer leaves a great first impression, a feeling of visiting an arcade circa the early ‘90s and putting a few minutes and a couple of gold coins into a cabinet featuring Final Fight or Double Dragon II. It’s an over-the-top, violent old-school brawler where enemies rush you and you need to punch and kick back with a combination of light and heavy attacks. Played from a top-down perspective the viewpoint adds a modern indie aesthetic, but at its core Redeemer is all about action. And there’s plenty of that to be found.
Click Here to Read Our Full 'Redeemer' Review