Gaming mice usually come in the wired variety. And for good reason, because as a technology wireless can't be trusted 100% all of the time. Or so goes the thinking. To be a wireless mouse is one thing, to be wireless gaming mouse is another. And the Lancehead from Razer certainly fits the bill, with great wireless performance.

First-off the build quality with the Lancehead is exceptional, as to be expected with a price sitting in the $200 range. But, the first thing you do notice – outside of the subtle and stylish chrome finish and impressive use of RGB lighting - is that it’s an ambidextrous mouse. Making the symmetrical design something that will take time getting used too. That is of course if you haven’t spent much, if any, time with an ambidextrous mouse before. Like me. As a leftie that mouse’s righty the first moments with the Lancehead were a little weird, because it was hard not to simply want something along the lines of the Razer DeathAdder in shape. Palm grip for the win and all that.
Click Here for the Full Razer Lancehead Review