Once again the annual QuakeCon has kicked off in Dallas, Texas, and with it comes a number of presentations and keynotes from various developers under the Bethesda and id Software logos but also the usual tournaments seen from past years. From the press release:
As has become tradition, the first day of QuakeCon will feature a keynote address from the legendary John Carmack, id Software’s co-founder and technical director.
Along with John’s keynote, this year’s QuakeCon will feature the first public gameplay presentations for The Elder Scrolls Online, Wolfenstein: The New Order and The Evil Within — plus a special panel featuring Dishonored’s Raphael Colantonio, Ricardo Bare and Seth Shain. These events will all take place on the show’s Ventrilo Main Stage. Additionally, attendees will be able to play The Elder Scrolls Online, Wolfenstein, and Dishonored’s final game add-on, The Brigmore Witches, in the QuakeCon exhibit hall.
As per last year, the event will be livestreamed through two channels, with the
Bethesda Twitch stream designated to keynotes and presentations and the
QuakeCon channel for all the current tournament games. To begin the event co-founder of id Software and technical director John Carmack is currently giving out his usual brain-exploding keynote which you can catch here.
For the full presentation details including time slots for scheduled events, check out this
blog post.
To continue the QuakeCon news, Bethesda and id Software have announced that several themed sales are currently undergoing on various networks, including
Steam for PC, the iOS store and the
Bethesda store. Various titles and discounts can be found in the respective stores, including titles like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Doom 3: BFG Edition and Fallout: New Vegas. Find more
over here.
Posted 10:00am 02/8/13
Posted 10:05am 02/8/13
Well at least not in the Carmack keynote, he just denied an audience question on the game.
Posted 10:06am 02/8/13
Posted 10:28am 02/8/13
Posted 12:35pm 02/8/13
Posted 12:35pm 02/8/13
Posted 12:44pm 02/8/13
Posted 12:51pm 02/8/13
Ive been waiting to buy quake 3 + TA for a while for my 2 machines. That was my first real PC game that i spent a f***load of hours playing. And never online cause i didnt know how.
Also thinking quake 4 and Rage for my old man as he loved quake 2 back in the day and was the reason we got quake 3 in the first place.
Posted 01:53pm 02/8/13
Posted 02:26pm 02/8/13
Posted 06:13pm 02/8/13
Man, sooo many hours sunk into CTF/Reverse CTF on that valley map LANing with a bunch of my mates and a bunch of bots. Those were the days!
Posted 05:20pm 03/8/13