In 2011, Bethesda and Human Head Studios revealed Prey 2, a first-person sci-fi action-adventure dripping with potential. Then it suddenly vanished, however, its importance in the expanded world of first-person games beyond the likes of Call of Duty, Battlefield or Medal of Honor should not be forgotten, as we explore in this feature/plea for the game's triumphant return.
2013 is shaping up to be a mysterious gaming year with rumours of new consoles from Microsoft and Sony, and with Nintendo's Wii U establishing itself. We also have BioShock Infinite, Metro: Last Light, Crysis 3 and Aliens: Colonial Marines, but the year needs more games like Prey 2, to offset the usual barrage of military multiplayer shooters.
Click here for our reasons why.
Posted 12:32pm 31/10/12
Posted 04:29pm 31/10/12
Posted 05:49pm 31/10/12
Posted 06:09pm 31/10/12
last edited by Phooks at 18:09:07 31/Oct/12
Posted 06:15pm 31/10/12
Posted 08:29pm 31/10/12
Posted 03:35pm 01/11/12
I just don't think there's a 'world of first person games'.. The article acts if there's some sort of entity with a mainstream formula, and that makes anything other than those game types immediately groundbreaking. The games you list throughout the article are all good games, but on their own overall merits, not just because they use different mechanics or aren't 'mainstream'
Not really. While TES games are my favourite of all time, that doesn't mean I'm a Bethesda fanboy. In fact, I really don't like them when it comes to anything other than world & lore creation (which, sadly, they are completely f*****g up with TESO). Mainly, they are suckers for unoptimisation and they can do WAY better. For instance things like script/dialogue, immersion in lore, flawed game designs ( TES3-non-regenerating magicka. TES4-levelling, TES5-Destriction/H2H/character designs).. I could go on
In terms of their unoptimised games... It's as if it's expected of any game they put out that their bugs are something that you need to put up with in order to get the best out of the game.
Also they are responsible for publishing some of the worst games in recent times (brink, rage, hunted, WET...).
Yes, it can. The 'bugs' bethesda had with TES4,5 and F3 weren't just bugs, they made the game experience considerably worse. With a studio the size of Bethesda working on a AAA title like skyrim with SERIOUSLY talented names, as well as a huge already-fleshed out world & gripping lore, anything less than the best is not good enough. Fallout:NV, for instance... Obsidian showed just how to make a fallout game proper, and the bugs they had did not detract from the overall experience and immersion.
Also not sure if Bethesda had much to do with dishonoured since they just published it? might have had input since both are zenimax?
Yep, pretty much the point of each game. I don't know anyone who played the singleplayer bf3, and I can guarantee you these games aren't designed or bought on the merits of their singleplayer. Therefore probably not a good idea to focus on the single-player experiences of these games (Comparisons using them are invalid. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good. You don't see food critics comparing fine steaks to McDonalds happy meals).
Only those small points. but that's just, like, my opinion man.
last edited by Phooks at 15:35:12 01/Nov/12
Posted 03:41pm 01/11/12
last edited by Phooks at 15:41:44 01/Nov/12