Planet Alpha, created over a number of years by a small three-person indie team is without a doubt one of the most visually impressive sci-fi releases of the year. Not only in terms of the art direction, but technically and in the sheer variety of ideas and wonderful locations that make its Another World meets Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey-like experience.
A comparison we make thanks in part to Planet Alpha instilling the same sense of awe.
Beautiful art direction goes a long way in immersing anyone into a singular location, but the difference with Planet Alpha comes with the truly impressive visual effects that sell its vibrant 3D by the way of 2D world. From the use of light, shadows, volumetric fog, chromatic aberration, reflections and wide range of shiny to not-so shiny surfaces – Planet Alpha is as much a technical tour de force as it is an artistic one. This also applies to the animation which, although shows its scripted hand every now and then, is often wonderfully implemented.
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