Phantasmal, a new survival horror game developed by local studio Eyemobi that utilises random generation, has been announced for a 2015 release date.
For those of you following our weekly Indie Friday feature, you'll recognise the name from two weeks ago
where Phantasmal was featured. The world of Phantasmal takes on a randomly generated take for each playthrough, making the horror all the more unpredictable. It also features sanity mechanics similar to those in games such as Amnesia, and though guns make an appearance in Phantasmal's trailer, it looks as though weaponry may be a last resort for players whose stealth skills have failed them.
Experience points will also be saved after each playthrough, allowing players to return with a vengeance.
"A great horror game is one where you never feel like you're in control," says Eyemobi lead developer Joe Chang. "By procedurally generating the key content, we're creating a constant atmosphere of dread without resorting to cheap jump-scares."
Phantasmal's story follows a Vietnam War vet with PTSD. Having survived the war with horrific memories, he's now secured a job as a night-shift janitor at a university - but one night a storm rolls in, the power goes out, and he hears voices in the corridors, which he decides to investigate with terrifying consequences...
Phantasmal is currently going through crowdfunding website Kickstarter, with a goal of $15,000 and only $5,000 off that goal. Eyemobi is aiming for release in March 2015, with early access planned for Kickstarter supporters.