Post by KostaAndreadis @ 02:52pm 14/12/16 | 0 Comments
Santa Torbjörn, Elf Tracer, Santa Mei, Scrooge McCree, Rudolph the Red Nose Roadhog, and many more festive skins await you in the latest seasonal Overwatch event! And like with previous events, new holiday-themed Loot Boxes will drop for the duration -- which runs from today to January 2. The event also gives King's Row and Hanamura a holiday makeover, so expect a lot of snowmen, Christmas lights, and other great stuff. Including, a new seasonal brawl.
Nothing says Christmas like a good snowball fight. Well, for those that are familiar with the concept of 'snow'. Anyway, the new Mei’s Snowball Offensive is a 6v6, single-elimination brawl that replaces her freeze gun thingy with one that fires off snowballs. A single, super-powered snowball. Sounds like fun.