Adding to our library of content from a pre-E3 Bethesda press event recently held in Los Angeles, AusGamers had a chance to chat with MachineGames' Jens Matthies about their retake on the shooter that started it all -- Wolfenstein.
Utilising the history of BJ and his fight against the Nazis, the team imagined a dystopian future where the Nazis actually won the war and you're now part of a greater resistance in the 60s to bring down their seemingly alien regime. To say this game isn't going to be one of the more "out-there" FPS experiences would be doing it a disservice. We chat to MachineGames to learn more about how this project came about, the clear Tarantino influence and asking id for permission to touch the sacred FPS trophy that is Wolf.
Click here for the full interview feature.
Posted 09:48am 29/5/13
Sure, the last game sucked, but the ones before that were great. At one point ET was one of the most played Multiplayer games around. It definitely had a huge following here and abroad.
And what, these clowns are finally going to give the franchise more respect than RtCW?
What a crock of s***. That's like releasing a quake game with no multiplayer. This just..... ugh.
Why did you mention DNF? WHY?! Thats like mentioning cancer.
This is starting to read like its written by kids, for kids.
It has?
As a Wolfenstein fan, everything about this sounds awful. I don't know if it was your intent, but the people making this come off as being completely full of s***. Huge fans, my ass.
Posted 10:29am 29/5/13
The first Wolfenstein game from id had no multiplayer, that's reverence right there, but it's more about their overall tone and how it feels on-point with id's original vision.
The DNF reference was also backed up with "always should have been". I was not referring to how the game actually turned out. The further you got into the original series the more powerful and unstoppable BJ became, this has the same thing going on with it: it's as over-the-top as DNF sounded on paper 12 years ago.
And yes, Tarantino's name has been dropped as a result of the art-direction of the marketing materials, the game's logo and some of its tone. This was also poignant because one of the sequences I saw featured a high-tension conversation between the bad-guy (in this case an old lady), her Aryan toyboy and BJ -- it had Tarantino written all over it, but in an Inglorious Basterds kind of way, which is line with the team's single-player narrative-driven experience.
Posted 10:32am 29/5/13
Posted 11:06am 29/5/13
I guess that's what it boils down to. It infuriates me that someone is making a Wolfenstein game without MP.
Sure the dev team has a good pedigree, but AAARGH they're turning their back on the best part of the franchise and making out that this is a positive thing.
Posted 11:12am 29/5/13
Was that the one using the Q3 engine back in the day? Because that one was awesome fun.
Posted 11:16am 29/5/13
But the original Wolfensteins didn't have MP.
I mean I could see your point if it was Doom 42 and didn't have MP. Wolfenstein was always a Single Player game first. RtCW I did not like, the multiplayer I didn't like. DoD was heaps better, anyway I understand many people did. It doesn't make Wolfenstein a must be MP game though...
Posted 11:30am 29/5/13
I ran House of Renshou ET for several seasons, ahhh memories.....
Posted 11:32am 29/5/13
The last Raven-developed Wolfenstein must have been even more forgettable than RtCW's single-player because I can barely remember any of it, only that there was heavy use of some green-glowing occult element.
The gameplay shown from The New Order so far doesn't look terribly exciting, but I really enjoyed Ridd***: Escape from Butcher Bay, and The Darkness, so if the talent from those games is in place at MachineGames, I'll remain optimistic.
Posted 11:35am 29/5/13
Not everyone is interested in multiplayer - it's a completely different market segment.
What's surprising to me is Tech5 - if those screenshots are T5, then I'm thoroughly underwhelmed. I can't honestly say it looks much more impressive than the early Q3 TechDemo screens I remember. That's going back to 1998.
Posted 11:41am 29/5/13
True, but imagine if they released the next CS and focused on its epic single player roots in half life, because that's how this feels to me. Just look at how poorly Quake 4 was received, that's what happens when you focus on SP in a MP driven franchise. I understand the debate that Wolf is not a traditionally MP driven game, but see my above comments to understand my bias.
I'm tired of publishers dredging up old IP's and using nothing but the name because they figure their marketing spend can be smaller. Noone is asking for more Wolfenstein SP, just make a new IP already.
Posted 11:45am 29/5/13
Posted 11:45am 29/5/13
Posted 12:09pm 29/5/13
Posted 12:21pm 29/5/13
Posted 12:49pm 29/5/13
Quake (1) was not designed as a MP game. It had MP, but its focus was SP.