Being able to look at a list of servers and then pick where to play an online shooter is slowly becoming a thing of the past. In its place we find matchmaking systems that work off increasingly complex algorithms. Well, complex in the sense that they usually just plop you on the server with the lowest ping and average number of players. But for many PC players, being able to manually select a server by looking at its ping, the number of players, and where all their friends are at, is pretty important. Playing DICE's Battlefield 4 any other way would feel, wrong. So why then, is Star Wars Battlefront (also from DICE) going the matchmaking route?
For those of us who live in Australia, being able to select a local or low ping server is pretty important. Our distance from the rest of the world and insatiable appetite for seamless online gaming are but two of the many things that make us special. So hearing about a multiplayer matchmaking system for any upcoming game, makes us a little suspicious. Or at the very least, a tad skeptical. Star Wars Battlefront, from Swedish developer DICE, is using such a system. And coming from the developer behind the Battlefield series, which has a long history of server-browsing, this news has come as a shock to some. And naturally, has upset a few people.

But, should it? Although for all intents and purposes Battlefront is viewed as Battlefield: Star Wars Edition, the game is actually shaping up to be a very different experience. For one, the Star Wars name lends itself to a broader audience. So things like squads, commanders, iron sights, and other team-based shooter ingredients are being given the miss. Instead, players will only be able to team up with a single friend, or play co-operative missions with friends.
In turn the matchmaking system being implemented by Star Wars Battlefront will be based on player skill, although detail on how it will actually work are still vague. All in all it sounds like a clear attempt to ensure that casual players don't get thrown into an experience where they die repeatedly, without knowing why, how, or who. And are then chastised by their team for not being good at playing a pretend virtual war game. Or some other strictly hypothetical scenario. In a sense, matchmaking sounds about right for a Star Wars game. If it works as intended.
But, no server-browsing makes you wonder if the game will feel at home with the sort of hardcore audience that plays a game like Battlefield. At the very least, in a country where low ping is king, this news makes us a little bit skeptical.
Star Wars Battlefront will be available November 17, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Posted 03:22pm 03/9/15
I have never once had a good experience with match making ever and i don't see how this is going to be any better. Feeling more and more like a console game with a s***** PC port... awesome
Posted 03:36pm 03/9/15
Posted 04:39pm 03/9/15
Match Making has no issues with region locks or ping management on CSGO they could borrow from the CSGO competitive ranked match making and allow map selection to ease some of the pain for PC.
Posted 05:36pm 03/9/15
CSGO has Match Making that works really well and keeps players playing against people of their on skill. For comp games. It has a 'casual' mode where it dumps you one a server under a certain ping threshold.
It also has dedicated community servers, where you can go and do all the fun stuff. It's where people who actually want to get good at the game go.
This news about Battlefield - Star Wars Edition, has troubled me and turned my instant-buy into 'wait and see, not sold now'.
No dedicated community servers also means the community can't step up and provide many more servers during the launch of the game, which means launch could be a frustrating time of spending hours trying to get into a laggy server with randoms you don't even know.
Sad times.
Posted 06:10pm 03/9/15
Posted 07:14pm 03/9/15
Posted 07:20pm 03/9/15
Do they still make games with the 'lowest common denominator' mindset?
Gamers know how to get online and have always wanted choice so why stifle the customer?
Posted 07:36pm 03/9/15
I am not going to get too down on it, I am going to see if it works well first. If it does, that's good, if not, ill bag it mercilessly.
I think now that SWBF will be fun but won't be the thing we expected. DICE/EA/Disney are doing something different this time around. I would be happy with a Battlefield 3-4 type clone myself with a server browser, classes, actual vehicles that are not a power up thing etc.
Posted 08:09pm 03/9/15
I much prefer to have it built into the game.
Posted 09:09pm 03/9/15
Posted 11:28pm 03/9/15
Personally I think Dice should have just made both options available as the game will be big enough to support both options despite Australia's small population. Less popular games like Dirty Bomb which offers both which works in Europe and the U.S. but matchmaking games are non-existent in Australia as far as I'm aware.
The main stinging point as I see it is the pairing up with one friend limit - a small party or separate matchmaking for small parties option should be included in a manner similar to how Dota 2 handles it. Ultimately deliberate and consistent team stackers have themselves to blame for this as they create an untenable environment for solo and casual players.
Posted 12:11am 04/9/15
EA have been doing this for years; I suspect they've finally gotten their infrastructure to the point where they think that they can do it with their traditional FPS games - although everything I've heard about the last round of Battlefield games has made me wonder if they're ever going to get it. (I stopped playing BF games when they moved to a non-open dedicated server model and ranking; I hated what it did to pub play.
I miss the local community aspects of the traditional dedicated server model but from a business point of view what they're doing makes total sense - once you've already got a solid player base and brand, anyway. I think new games should still do it Ye Olde Way though (see: Minecraft).
Posted 05:54am 04/9/15
And dark hawk: there is no single player for SWBF. Your comment makes so little sense I wonder if you meant it sarcastically.
Posted 06:48am 04/9/15
Posted 06:48am 04/9/15
Posted 12:28pm 04/9/15
Posted 12:34pm 04/9/15
Posted 11:02pm 04/9/15
Posted 08:20am 05/9/15
Posted 12:44pm 05/9/15
Posted 07:03pm 05/9/15
Posted 07:04pm 05/9/15
Posted 12:48pm 06/9/15
Not a big fan of it myself (used to it now since BF3) but it's better than not having server browsing.
Posted 06:53pm 09/9/15
Posted 03:52pm 19/11/15
Posted 04:08pm 19/11/15
Posted 06:50pm 19/11/15
You can't even see your god damn ping without enabling a bunch of s*** in console.
In CSGO matchmaking you can pick the max ping search ffs.
Hoping like khel says it improves tonight as more aussies get the game.
Posted 07:24pm 19/11/15
Posted 11:52am 20/11/15
Posted 03:35pm 20/11/15
Posted 04:02pm 20/11/15
I swear all I get is US servers. I point blank blast c**** in the face and nothing happens to them but I die.
Posted 04:09pm 20/11/15
NetworkPerfOverlay.Enable TRUE
NetworkPerfOverlay.DrawGraph TRUE
Posted 05:31pm 20/11/15
Edit: Something seems really off.. I'm still not finding many servers with people on them.
Posted 08:21pm 20/11/15
Posted 08:31pm 20/11/15
Posted 02:16pm 21/11/15
TLDR: use google DNS
Which is s***** cause I use my DNS for quota netflix etc.
Posted 05:52pm 21/11/15
Posted 06:40pm 21/11/15
Posted 10:45am 22/11/15