Following earlier translations from Japanese magazine Famitsu, suggesting that the upcoming Wii U would be region locked, several international outlets,
including Eurogamer, have now confirmed from Nintendo directly, that consoles sold in Japan, North America, and Europe will be restricted to playing only the games software sold in those regions.
Traditionally, Australia has fallen into the European region, due to the old PAL video standard, and it is presumed Nintendo will continue that categorisation with the Wii U.
The news doesn't come as a huge surprise, as both the original Wii, and the Nintendo 3DS were both restricted in the same manner, but its a disappointing revelation nonetheless --particularly as many Nintendo exclusive releases in Europe/Australia often lag weeks, and sometimes months, behind North America, simply due to distribution logistics and Europe's need for languages other than English. Both aspects which obviously shouldn't affect us in an English-speaking country, enjoying the immediacy of digital distribution on many other platforms.