It's an age-old argument. In the FPS space, keyboard and mouse simply cannot be trumped by a console's controller. Twitch gaming will always remain more at home on the PC platform, and with additions such as auto-aim, splash damage, perks etc, developers ostensibly admit this from outset.
The irony is, however, FPS gaming on consoles is big business. Bigger than it is on PC, and so modern first-person games are usually being built with consoles in mind first, and from a control point-of-view, much to the chagrin of the PC community who often end up with console ports to their platform of choice, these games feel like dumbed down versions of a genre they used to love oh-so-much. (Arguably, many games
can co-exist on both, in my opinion though.)
Nexuiz, a free-to-play multiplayer FPS that took all of its cues from Quake 3 Arena, has been oddly ported to console in an effort to capitalise on the console FPS popularity. And aside from now being a paid-for title, its arena-based play and twitch-control requirements make it something of a strange move. We gave an Xbox Live Arcade code to James Pinnell, a Nexuiz PC gamer from way back for review purposes.
Click here to see what he had to say about Nexuiz on console.
Posted 12:35pm 01/3/12