Ubisoft has released a new trailer for the impressive Watch Dogs, but it's not new gameplay footage. Instead, the latest video offers a blow-by-blow recap of events from the clip shown during Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal, with a walkthrough of the actions of player character Aiden Pearce presented in the form of an intelligence briefing.
If you're interested in a quick re-cap of the PlayStation Meeting footage, in a cleanly explained and easily digestible form, this one is it. Watch it below.
Watch Dogs is due in 2013 for PlayStation 4, PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360
Posted 01:06pm 27/3/13
Posted 05:08pm 27/3/13
Posted 05:34pm 27/3/13
Posted 09:51pm 27/3/13
Posted 10:47pm 27/3/13
Posted 04:58pm 28/3/13
No, no they did not.