Nintendo has just announced in the very first Nintendo Direct Australia that we can expect the "New" Nintendo 3DS and 3DS XL to launch in both Australia and New Zealand on November 21st.
The two new devices will be launching at a suggested retail price of $219.95AUD and $249.95AUD respectively. The New 3DS will come in a white colour, while the New 3DS XL will be available in metallic blue and black. There will also be a range of faceplates for the New 3DS, which you can check out below.
The new C Stick, ZL button and ZR button, which will enhance the play controls of the existing Nintendo 3DS hardware in compatible titles, have been added, and the new "super-stable 3D" function will provide players with a more comfortable 3D gaming experience. Furthermore, the new “NFC feature” built- in for these consoles will enable the use of amiibo.
In regards to the New 3DS, you'll find that the screen has been increased. as with the 3DS XL. For the 3DS the screen weighs in at 80.6mm high and 142mm wide, with the 3DS XL at 93.5mm high and 160mm wide. Not as much of a difference now it seems.
Posted 05:16pm 24/9/14
Posted 05:53pm 24/9/14
Posted 07:06pm 24/9/14
Does this mean that if you buy a New 3DS console, it does not come with any way to charge the device - so unless you already own a 3DS which shipped with an AC adapter, you would not have one? I don't quite understand this.
Posted 07:59pm 24/9/14
I also want nintendo to fix those f*****g ac adapters. They are made in such a way that nothing can sit next to them on the power point.
Posted 08:13pm 24/9/14
What's say we start a petition to have the Australian Standard that permits any electrical product to be sold after say 2017 to be amended to read something very similar to:
"No device which connects to any electrical outlet may exceed a width of 40mm for a height extending 100mm from the socket surface".
or maybe "20mm from the any side of the ground pin location".
If I can get some details, you reckon people would get behind it? It's a pretty simple change with significant beneficial impact for consumers.
Posted 08:36pm 24/9/14
Posted 09:20pm 24/9/14
Posted 09:33pm 24/9/14
jump to 11:45