Continuing with the Assassin's Creed 3 news from yesterday, a whole lot of new screenshots have appeared on the internet, and oh boy do they look awesome. Detailing the latest assassin to take up the job, Connor, it does indeed seem to be set in a American themed place unlike it's prequels.
While not quite as hidden as you would think, this assassin is sticking with the white garments seen in previous titles from Ubisoft, something that doesn't quite fit with this new setting. In the earlier titles, the Assassin's wore white garments to blend in with priests, however now that it's set in a American Revolution phase it seems very out of place, and more suspicious then ever.
While Ubisoft hasn't officially confirmed anything, we are expecting news to break on the 5th March (our 6th), though that doesn't stop the rumour mill from churning. The people over at
4chan's Video Games section are hard at work figuring out just what kind of story could be behind this new era of assassination. Some users have even leaked the upcoming article in Game Informer, a popular gaming magazine. In it there are roughly 18 pages worth of details, including what to expect in the form of weaponry, enemies and world settings.
Check out just some of the pictures below, but you can head over to
our game page where we have all of Game Informers scans showing off just what to expect, from synchronisations to how the combat will flow to a whole new engine. Stay tuned for more coverage today as we sift through the massive amount of new information.
Posted 10:45am 03/3/12
This setting actually has me excited for the possibilities... potential for some seriously awesome fights, even if it amounts to just counter queues before someone shoots, weaving in and out of a bunch of red coats trying to shoot or bayonet you, melgibson patriot style, will be epic. Plus, the retardo way they fought back then leaves a lot of room to sprint around like a madman right in their lines without full detection. Imagine if they can pull off something like this in engine:
Posted 10:46am 03/3/12
Posted 10:49am 03/3/12
Posted 12:33pm 03/3/12
It does look pretty awesome though, about time they moved the series forward and stopped milking Ezio
Posted 01:04pm 03/3/12
Posted 01:17pm 03/3/12
Posted 01:45pm 03/3/12
Posted 01:52pm 03/3/12
Plus, Nazis and archaic stuff go together well these days apparently.
Posted 02:54pm 03/3/12
Yea you get to a point where guns > blades, revolution is just about there so it will be interesting to see how they deal with that.