Medal of Honor: Warfighter has been positioned by EA as 2012's equivalent to 2011's popular shooter Battlefield 3, powered by the same impressive Frostbite 2.0 engine, it will utilise a very similar mutliplayer dedicated server setup, and uses the same Battlelog service as a portal for player's multiplayer exploits.
Not all is the same this time around however, as PC and PlayStation 3 players have been disappointed to learn that the recently launched multiplayer beta will only be running on the Xbox 360.
We're only a couple of week's out from the game's release on all platforms however, so the wait shouldn't be too painful. In the meantime, you can watch a couple of new trailers that offer a good overview of what the multiplayer gameplay entails.
Catch the videos below, and if you're super keen, you can head over to Medal of Honor's
Battlelog service (which uses the same login as Battlefield 3/Origin), to get yourself good and ready for the game's October 23rd 2012 launch.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter "Xbox 360 Beta Launch" Trailer
Medal of Honor: Warfighter "Multiplayer Beta Overview" Trailer
Posted 11:33pm 08/10/12
Posted 01:11am 09/10/12